May is Melanoma Awareness Month: Check Yo’Self! Each year I like to bring attention to the fact that it’s important to check yourself for skin cancer. Not a particularly fun topic to nudge you about, but a necessary and serious one. That’s what we skin cancer survivors like to do, you know: nudge you! Check …
Do you have a favorite daily sunscreen that you use? I didn’t for many years. Sunscreen Schmunscreen. That changed the day I was diagnosed with melanoma. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to …
My confession: I don’t have a Bucket List. My confession expanded: I don’t see the need for a Bucket List. My confession to its conclusion: Bucket Lists seem constricting to my sensibilities. Yes, I know! Having a spread sheet in Excel of ALL THE THINGS for a Bucket List is very chic, very hip. Meh. …