If you’re looking to save your back from the pain of sitting for long periods, as I save mine, read on. Do you have a bad back? A back that gets twitchy after sitting for long periods? A back that demands a solution to sitting on hard surfaces (like in your office, home or stadium …
This or that? THIS or THAT?! How do you decide what to do in this life? How do you narrow it down? You love so many things, yet things aren’t flowing. How the heck do you narrow thangs down? I’m always filling notebooks full of notey notes. Cause let’s be honest, that’s what writers do …
We all need a carpet spot cleaner every now and again, right? This one may be the last you’ll ever need. I’m about to tell a tale of epic gross out proportions, with pics – you’ve been warned! It all started when we went out of town for a weekend and asked our trusty dog-sitting …
Show of hands: Ever try to cut a pill with a knife? STOP THAT! Oy…OMT! has the stomach squinches when you do stuff like that. I bet ERs love you! CONFESSION TIME: I’ve done it too. There’s a better way, my babies – try using a pill cutter. You know, that thingy that’s made for …
You know those people – the ones that seemingly always like who they are. The ones who ooze confidence and chutzpah. How do they do it? More importantly, how can you do it, if you have trouble letting your light shine? ♫ This little light of mine…♫ Remember that song from your childhood? The one …
Sometimes, you’re at a party and no one is talking and everyone is avoiding eye contact and, well, the joint is just not hoppin’. Oh, the humiliation! What to do? What to do? OMT!’s got ya, baby. Get the party started by bringing out this delicious homemade hummus – problem averted! No party to …
People of OMT! and the INTERNETS, old and new alike! ( ▲ – dang that’s shouty) Do you feel like you’re drowning in the indecision of what’s next? You’d like to rebrand your life (not to mention a website)? Are you at a crossroads in life? Marriage? Divorce? Babies? Retirement? Do you feel you have …
Seriously, that headline! How to Know If It’s Your Allergy Meds or Carbon Monoxide – I’m sure you know by now, I have a story to tell… ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost …
I am about as cold-natured as anyone I know. As a Texan, the joke is that when the temps drop below 70°, we need our jackets (I ain’t even exaggerating). Who-Boy, dats cold weather, right there! Note to my Northern Friends: Go ahead and yuk it up. I’ll take my turn in the summer when …
This y’all. This is the best homemade Spanish Rice I’ve ever made. Not to mention, easy! It’s Spanish Rice done right! Homemade Spanish Rice Ingredients: 4 bacon slices 1 cup chopped onion 1 1/2 cup diced green pepper 1 16 ounce can diced tomatoes 1 8 ounce can tomato sauce 2 tsp. sugar 1 tsp. …