Show of hands: Who has young whippersnappers jumpin’ like monkeys on their bed with drinks? (YES – I know they shouldn’t, but back to the question…) Sweet E has been known to bring a drank or two into bed. Instead of worrying if he’s gonna spill (cause, he’s GONNA spill), I have covered his bed …
Have you ever tried your hand at homemade peanut butter? If not – now’s the time to try. No fear. Just grinding until you arrive at smooth spreadable peanuty love. It’s easy and spoonfully delicious! We are always looking for ways to eat healthier without sacrificing flavor or nutrition and this peanut butter is a …
Real Talk: Can a nose- ear – hair trimmer make you as happy as this guy: ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ (source: Amazon) Hell yes, it …
Caretakers, God bless them. They show up. They work. They handle the hard stuff like nobody’s business. They repeat the process until they are no longer needed. I am grateful for the caretakers that have graced my life, yet so often they are overlooked. My rallying cry: REMEMBER THE CARETAKERS!* (*kinda like the Alamo) …
Last year, I set about making my own decadent blend of vanilla extract and the results were so delicious, I’ll never buy vanilla from a store again. Yep, it was that good. You would have thought with all my years of baking experience, I would have tried to make vanilla extract at least once, but …
Having a mouse in the house is never a fun feeling. Your mind immediately start thinking about traps, then how much you like your fingers and are hesitant to set them, and finally to the awfulness of disposal after snapping the neck a cute little pest-riddled rodent. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral …
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 In the wake of all that has happened to the collective us in the last month, there is so much we’ll never be able to forget. To those who fight the good fight, to those who step up when times are unimaginable, to those who love in the face of terror, …
Sweet E is four, y’all…4 1/2-years-old! Time continues to whip past, no matter how I wish it would slow its jets. As the saying goes: The days are slow, but the years are fast. I was reading though some of the older Sweet E posts and I came across this one. It stands the test …
As a lifelong athlete, I need weekly (sometimes daily) relief from sore muscle knots. Did you know you can use a lacrosse ball for deep tissue massage and trigger point relief? YOU CAN! More to the point: I DO! I have one in every vehicle, four in the house and have left them behind at …
If you already love store-bought apple butter, homemade apple butter will make you into an apple butter fanatic. Trust. This recipe is insanely easy, adaptable to your apple and spice tastes and highly addictive. It makes enough to use now and freeze for later. Sweet E knows there is ALWAYS a jar available at Choochie’s …