Anyone out there share my love of white boards? Anyone?! This white board is mounted to my office wall, directly across from my desk – and if I could fall in love with an organizational whiteboard, this one would hold all my affection. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do …
OMT strives to do many things here, one of which is to offer easy and delicious solutions in the kitchen. This post offers a second look at my seasoned corn on the cob recipe…nom! When your grill is packed to the seams and there is no room for your cobs, I’ve got an easy and …
I’m not a huge fan of ear buds. CORRECTION: I LOVE my Apple ear pods. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ (source: AMAZON) Product Deets: Earphones with …
Have you fire grilled a pork loin? How about a 8-pound pork loin? Yep, we do thangs BIG in Texas. We found a great price-per-pound on a giant pork loin and knew that when we grilled it – smoked it, to be precise – that we’d cut it in half. Like this (one half of …
Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer, Breast Cancer. I’m sick of learning and writing about this monstrous disease. ~ugh~ IMPORTANT NOTE BEFORE WE BEGIN: I am NOT a doctor nor do I pretend to be. All information and opinions are mine and mine alone. Talk to your doc, a REAL doc, to discuss your needs. Since my …
When Boy was a youngster, he had a flying disk shooter that ran on batteries. It was one his favorite go-to toys. Fast-forward to about a year ago, when Sweet E discovered that very same shooter in Boy’s old childhood stash and proclaimed via Facetime that he wanted us to bring it for his birthday. …
Our nephew is walking down the aisle soon and in honor of this new union, I wanted to (re)share my secrets to a happy marriage. Two things before we start: #1: Yes, that pic is from the way-back vault. #2: It’s one of my favs. ~~~~~ Garry and I have been married for over 34 …
Dyson makes a hair dryer now? Yep. They’re expensive? Yep. They’re really expensive? Yep yep. Do people love them? Yep yep yep. What us regular folk want to know: is the price worth the technology? I’d lay my money down as a full. stop. Y-E-S. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When …
Some recipes are complex and require fancy-pants ingredients…others, like this quick and dirty bacon-stuffed grilled cheese, not so much. Lifehack: Click here before you begin: How To: Quick and Easy Bacon Makin’. One Saturday we were cleaning out the attic. The attic which Garry likes to tease holds Boy’s presidential library. Oh, hardy-har. It wasn’t …
WARNING: Real Talk Ahead A few weeks ago, at the age of 55, I experienced my very first bladder infection. Throughout the years, I have known women (and men) who suffered with UTIs and sympathized with them, but had never – until recently – experienced the ~ugh~ myself. My first question: How the hell did …