No, that headline is NOT a mistake. I gots skillz, y’all! OMT! does, and has, cut copper tubing (plumbing stuff, yo). You can too! Don’t be afraid! Because I don’t want y’all to be like us – meaning having to block out five hours to do a 30-minute job – this tutorial should come in …
Our peek behind the women’s health curtain of all thangs perimenopause continues: let’s take a look into the world of caffeine and perimenopause. * Disclaimer: All information in this series is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Perimenopause Can Suck It #3: Caffeine is …
Today’s lifehack is one I use all the danged time! Once I realized how easy this hack was, I never looked back. If you’re short of time and can’t get to the store – this method to make breadcrumbs fast works! {Video at bottom of post!} No Breadcrumbs in the Pantry? How to make …
What you want to know (yes, you do!): I offer you my review of the best office chair under $200. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you.~ As a heads up before we get started, while the title states under $200, I found this beauty on sale for…wait …
Hands in the air if you’re getting older. If you’re still breathing, I’m going to need you to take a moment to high-five yerself. YAY – you’re getting older! Lucky you! Aging Fact: it’s kinda like being in the front seat on the wildest roller coaster you can imagine, right?! HANDS IN THE RIDE AT …
If only there was a simple registry for your family’s Christmas (or birthday) wish list. Christmas is hard work, yo. The baking, the decorating, the shopping. Whew. I needs a vacay just thinking about it. What if your shopping could be made easier? What if there was one place to find all the wishes and …
I learned early how to show up for life. I learned through a tragedy, that by being present for others is a deeper way to be present for yourself. Easy in theory, harder in action. My Dearest Sweet E and beloved readers, Life is full of the big stuff. For you. For your family. For …
After chemo, my body and I are in the dating stage. Chemo is hard on a body and afterwards it’s like you’re a new you; things just aren’t the same. There’s a bit of uncertainty and awkwardness that happens, so I like to think of getting to know the new me as dating myself. I …
Comfort food is a big deal in the South, and Corn Fritter Casserole is about as comforting as it gets. You’ll see these casseroles at holiday tables, church potlucks, and funeral meal buffets. We especially love casseroles that have anything to do with corn – we lurv our corn – or a variation of of …
Spaghetti squash – it’s what’s for dinner – are y’all ready to learn how to make this simple dish? Up until this year, I had eaten spaghetti squash, but had never made it. Not once. Me, the gal who loves veggies and fruits – never made it. Hell, I hadn’t even bothered to pick one …