We all have a recipe we love and then forget about. This pound cake recipe is my forgotten one. When I make it, I swear I’ll never forget it again and then a year will go by before I find it stuffed in a cookbook, waiting for me to rediscover pound cake deliciousness. The original: …
So much of a parent’s life is focused on keeping our kiddos healthy and safe. Today we’re talking about the dangers of buckling children into car seats while they’re wearing their heavy winter coats. SPOILER ALERT: Don’t do it! A parent’s natural inclination when taking a baby or small kiddo outside in the winter, …
Head’s Up, Buttercups: UPDATED INFO for 2017! Let’s grow! From time to time, I get questions about blogging or site production, as in how to grow a site or blog. Today, I’ll give you a peek behind the velvet ropes (snort) and give you OMT’s! method o’madness. Lots of bloggers blog with the thought …
Take a Buttermilk Cupcake. Add a frilly chocolate buttercream hat. Take a satisfying bite. Catch a whiff of the vapors. You may now pass from this world a happy soul. I could end the post here (with recipe) and that’s all that needs to be said, right? LOOK AT IT! Cupcakey Heaven. This was such …
I am an ice-cold sweet tea lover. But, I only drink it in the summer. I’m too cold-natured to drink cold anythings in the winter, but I’d still like a warm mug of sweet tea in the afternoon. Wait. That’s not true. I’d love a giant mug of coffee, but #1: I’m very sensitive to …
When opening champagne there is no need for anyone to lose an eye. DON’T LOSE AN EYE! I’ve put together a fast and dirty tutorial, complete with videos! Someone get the lights! The professional! The regular gal! #1: Remove foil #2: Find the “key” on the wire cage and twist open, keeping your thumb on …
You guys know I love the What I’ll Tell Sweet E series. This post is a twist on that, with a lesson for all of us who love someone (you know, ALL OF US!). What I’ll Tell {Told} Boy I was working through a business course exercise that would enable me to get clear on …
Oh, my babies. We’ve all used an underwhelming blender that can’t handle the truth of what we’d like it to produce. JUST CRUSH THE ALREADY SEMI-CRUSHED ICE…IS THAT TOO HARD?! Apparently. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the …
Buttery shortbread has a revered place on my favorite cookie list and I’m willing to bet on many of yours too. In the cooler months, I enjoy my shortbread with a steaming mug of homemade hot chocolate. Makes me smile just thinking about it. What if dark chocolate was added to the buttery goodness? Would …
Oh, momma. Look at that drool-worthy pan of Spanish Rice! Let me tell you, it’s as addictive as it is purdy. Not to mention, easy to make! It’s Spanish Rice done right! I make this dish a couple of times a year. I make it when I need comfort food (Tex-Mex is my love …