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Perimenopause is a beast: a hot, sweaty, cranky, beast. Let’s talk taming hot flashes. ~to the fire extinguisher!~ * Disclaimer: All information in this series is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice. Typically, hot flashes are a by-product of reduced estrogen in a woman’s …

Read More about Perimenopause Can SUCK IT #15: Keeping Your Cool

Mmmmmm, bacon. Add meatloaf and I’m asking where the forks are and can I have seconds. Let me break this down for you: Prepare your recipe (or mine) for meatloaf: Wrap that bad boy in bacon: Try not to drool from the glorious bacony smell: E-A-T. ~die~ Come back to life. Eat more: OMT’s Bacon-wrapped …

Read More about A Bacon Meatloaf That Will Make You Love Meatloaf