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What You Need to Know Before Buying: Cascade or Kirkland Dishwasher Pacs Review Let’s talk about what you need to know before you buy, about getting our dishes clean. Really clean Sparkling clean. Eat with the Queen clean. (I know, it’s weird I referenced the Queen – but she’s fancy and most likely wants – …

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What I’ve Learned: Wild Blueberries vs Cultivated Blueberries Did you know there are two types of blueberries: wild and cultivated?! Say what what? Those tiny blue spheres of yum fall into two groups? I’m ahem years-old, and I had no clue until recently. NO CLUE! Where the heck have I been living? In a strawberry …

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In 2016, I was hoping Santa would bring me a Vitamix. He didn’t, so I patiently waited. And endlessly jibber-jabbered about how I would make ALL THE SMOOTHIES. I decided to stop waiting on Santa and take the plunge. I HAVE ONE NOW! I’m part of that club: Vitamixers. When I come across a club …

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