Christmas shopping starts in the summer for me. Lots to take care of + little time in which to take care = summer Christmas shopping! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. …
Sweet E loves his boats. Whether he’s playing in the bath or in the pool, boats add fun! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ I have compiled …
If you are like me (clueless, in this case), you are asking yourself: what is a toddler balance bike? Until Sweet E had one, I had no idea what a balance bike was, but now that I’ve seen him in action, I’m a believer. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you …
Being treated for breast cancer is no joke, y’all. While the docs are trying to save your life, some of the drug side effects can try your last sleep-deprived nerve. OMT is suffering from insomnia! If I’m suffering, I’m researching. I needed help and maybe you do too. Let’s see if any of these solutions …
Need a gift for someone that they’ll talk about long after they’ve opened the package? ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ How about this: (source: Amazon) Product …
Cinnamon Rolls. Those two words conjure many a memory for most of us. Throw in a vanilla twist and, oh, momma! Divine! I originally saw this recipe at Mel’s Kitchen a few years back (she tweaked the recipe from another) and made them almost immediately. They were just as you’d hope a little piece of …
Remember the Peekaboo Pals A to Z book that Sweet E was/is crazy about? Turns out there are two more in the series. SQUEEE! If you’ve jumped ahead and are thinking Sweet E now has them in his collection, you’d be right. As soon as I realized he had the one, but not the others, …
Our Advent calendar was a big tradition when Boy was younger (sweets, Hot Wheels, Legos and coins found their way into the pockets of the calendar) and I love the idea of passing along the fun to Sweet E. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the …
Y’all, I love corn on the cob. I love it plain. I love it grilled. I love it in a casserole, but mostly, I love it seasoned and baked. You may remember THIS POST of my oven-roasted corn on the cob. I love the presentation of the husks still attached to the corn. Rustic! Today, …
I came across a lifehack that sounded too good to be true, but one that would save us money and be extremely useful, if it worked. Could using a compound of one-part baking soda to two-parts water on scratched glasses actually buff out the offending lines, thereby rendering your glasses like new again? This is …