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Do Grandparents Get Jealous of the Other Grandparents? Jealous grandparents?! Grandparents?! Do grandparents get jealous? Yes, yes they do. Who else just got uncomfortable? If you are a parent, if you are a grandparent, you know that there can be some jealousy between grandparents. It’s okay. While jealousy between grandparents is absolutely normal, it doesn’t …

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I’m an organizer; I love it.  Nothing better than a good list and solid plan to follow in order to get things done.  Make the list.  Do the list. Throw away checked-off completed list.  Make new list. What follows contradicts everything I just said.  In my busy gal defense, it happens.  Not often, but when …

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This subject is hard.  Who wants to admit to being needy?  To being broken?  No one, that’s who.  Yet, we are.  Each and every one of us. Sweet E, my lovely little man, how I love you and your brokenness, your neediness.  Don’t be afraid.  Don’t fear what is uncomfortable to face. When I was …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: We are all Broken and Needy