Gardeners, where you at? Does this sound familiar: You plan, then plant the perfect garden. You lovingly water and weed around your tender babies and cheer them on to maturity. You watch impatiently as the produce gets thisclose to harvest; you can taste the homegrown goodness. Picking day arrives, only for you to discover half-eaten …
OMT CONFESSION: I am not a fan of cauliflower, but I eat it because it’s good for me (so grown up!). Following the fact that I’m not a fan (my nose is wrinkled as I type), I’m tired of looking for new and easy cauliflower dishes. Are you? I am happy to report I …
Cancer, Cancer, Cancer! ~ Ugh ~ Are you as sick of reading about it as I am? What I mean by that is, I’m ready for better treatment options, better survival stats, and better diagnostics. Let’s look at the mammogram. Even the medical community at large is not in agreement as to how many …
OMT! loves a Super Soaker battle and the Scatterblast Blaster is a new addition to my bags o’tricks to enjoy summer! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ NOTE: …
My entire life I’ve been told I’m a lot. A lot of what? Energy? Yes. A lot of opinion. So much, yep. A lot of sass? ~jazz hands affirmative ~ Today, the word used for the a lot I am is extra. As in: I’m/You so extra. Note to my friends who may feel they …
Let’s talk thinning hair – again. Those of us (so many of us) have told Perimenopause to SUCK it. She messes with our body temps, our muscle mass, our libido and our hair. DAMN YOU, PERI! Some of you may grin and bear it, others of us search the market fro thickening, plumping, volumizing products …
Pressed for time? Want to keep your cool (in the kitchen and everywhere else)? Need an easy recipe? Try these slow-cooker fajitas over a bed of rice. Perfection. Yum! I am a from-scratch meal maker. Yet, for this recipe I used a boil-in-the-bag rice (the horror!). If you’re pressed for time, use instant rice, or …
Please a crowd with roasted potatoes?! Are you wondering if I’ve lost my ever-living? SPOILER ALERT: I haven’t. Roasted potatoes can be a most humdrum dish, right? Snoresville, baby. WAKE UP! Not these flavor bombs of OHMYGOSH-WHAT’S-IN-THESE?! They are a true crowd pleaser, throwing a FlAvOr FiEsTa for your mouth. Ingredients: 4 cups fat-diced potatoes, …
Is life too hard? Is it comin’ at ya with windmill arms, beating you down with every flailing turn? We’ve all been there, baby. There’s gotta be a secret to this life thing, right? How do you make the hard easy when you have no flippin’ idea what you’re doing? Hang on – I’m going …
Tired of the same ol’ peach cobbler? Looking for a new way to WOW your peach-lovers? OMT! to the rescue with a Peach Crumble Coffee Cake! This peach crumble is made in an iron skillet! Fun! It calls for peeled peaches, so click the link at the end of the sentence if you want to …