Home remedies for a UTI – 10 treatments I tried – Updated.
Are home remedies for UTIs fact or fiction?
I recently had a UTI and didn’t want to take unnecessary antibiotics.
Wondering if there was any truth to home remedies, I did some Internet research.
What follows is my own experience with 10 different home remedy treatments to see if I could cure my UTI without antibiotics.
* Disclaimer: all information in this post is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice.
The dreaded urinary tract infection – ain’t nobody got time for that!
During my last bout of fighting a bladder infection (UTI), I researched home remedies and came across a ton of information.
Google knows what’s what.
Once I gathered a list of the most common remedies, I went to the people.
I asked around (online and off) to see if anyone had given any of the remedies a go.
The results were evenly split between those who would never ever attempt to treat a bladder infection on their own and those that have and regularly do, with good results.
Is there an effective UTI treatment without antibiotics?
That was my very first question.
I didn’t want to be foolish and not take them if they were necessary, but on the other hand, if I could treat at home without a doctor’s intervention (not to mention the cost), that was the method I preferred.
I discovered that the short answer is yes.
Lots of people can, and do, treat a UTI without antibiotics and they’ll be just fine.
The caveat to that statement is that a UTI can travel to the kidneys and spread the infection there.
Once you get a kidney infection, you must see a doc.
Kidney infections are serious business; don’t wait if you suspect you have one.
So, it’s a personal call to treat at home, or whether to see a doc if you suspect your simple UTI is escalating.
My first experience with UTI symptoms:
Let’s go back to the beginning.
I had my first ever UTI after cancer treatments jerked me into menopause.
Menopause UTI
I learned afterward that not having a UTI until you’re in your mid-50s, or until you hit menopause, is very unusual; most women experience UTIs much much earlier in their lives.
I went to urinate and felt an unfamiliar burning sensation.
Then wiped and discovered blood on the tissue.
Um, I knew I was already past menopause and there should never ever be blood coming from my lady parts anymore, so I was immediately concerned.
When I stood up and went to flush, the bowl was filled with blood.
…or, I have a UTI.
Dramatic much?!
Not everyone pees blood when they have a bladder infection, but some of us do.
UTI causes:
For me, I believed my cause was fairly simple: a decline in estrogen.
The Mayo Clinic says: After menopause, a decline in circulating estrogen causes changes in the urinary tract that make you more vulnerable to infection.
Menopause and UTI:
Fun fact: When you age, when you is menopausal, your urethra (that pipe from whence the pee flows forth) shortens making it easier for bacteria to hitch a ride to your bladder.
So, mah older peeps, it would behoove you to take more care with hygene as you age.
Just as your folks used to tell you when you first started driving: never pick up a hitchhiker.
UTI in the younger set:
In younger women, the cause can be much easier to pinpoint, but in postmenopausal women, there can be many causes.
Harvard Health provides a bit of insight:
Estrogen is a key player in women’s health, and when it comes to UTIs, lack of estrogen can be an issue.
Going into my first UTI, I had no idea about estrogen’s roll, but quickly learned.
We lady folk have to learn to roll with life’s punches.
It’s also worth noting that about 90% of all UTIs are caused by E .coli.
You know where those beasts hang out…
Which is why we should practice good bathroom hygiene!
I treated my first UTI with antibiotics.
Mostly, because I had no idea there were home remedies that even the medical community could get behind.
I just assumed I had to treat with an antibiotic.
I took a round of Bactrim and felt better within 24 hours (but finished the prescribed dose).
Did you know that most UTIs are cured within three days of starting an antibiotic?
This held for me, or so I thought.
Two days post my course of prescribed antibiotics, and I became symptomatic again.
It swiftly became apparent that I should have taken the antibiotics for seven days instead of the shorter three.
Three days didn’t knock out my infection and it took a couple of days for the bacteria to build back up and cause symptoms.
UTIs are so unpleasant and uncomfortable, I just wanted the magic pills to work.
My doctor put me on a different antibiotic for a longer period of time and that did the trick.
I’m drug sensitive, so I not only suffered from the UTI, but drug side effects as well.
Luckily, that was that for the next two years.
My second experience with UTI symptoms:
Two years after my first infection, I got my second.
I knew immediately, even though I had gotten up in the middle of the night to pee – in the dark.
The burning while urinating and the odd lower abdominal pressure told me what I already knew before I turned on the light to see blood in the bowl.
Yep, it held true; I’m a blood-pee-er when I have a bladder infection.
A twist in my reasoning on my second UTI:
The day prior to peeing blood, I had gone for a long run.
I had pushed myself and wondered if I had irritated the lining of my bladder.
Maybe it wasn’t a UTI (it was).
I settled on a wait-and-see method, after talking to a couple of nurses I trusted.
Their main advice was if I started having back pain (meaning the infection was traveling to my kidneys) or a fever, I should consult a doctor (as should you).
I also dreaded the idea of more antibiotics and decided to do some online research while I toughed out the next couple of days.
Plug in “Home remedies for UTI” and see what comes up.
Holy Moly, y’all.
There was so much information about what folks were doing to treat their UTIs at home that it took me a full day to sort through the remedies.
In the end, I made a list of 10 tactics that I would try in my quest to avoid antibiotics.
These 10 were the methods that were the most widely written about, so I felt a bit comforted knowing it wasn’t that one person, doused in essential oils, wearing a wreath of garlic, trying to convince me to not take evil antibiotics (to be clear: I don’t believe antibiotics are evil).
Let’s get to it.
NOTE: I am linking the products I used below, for those interested.
~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you.~
10 Home Remedies I Tried For My UTI
* Disclaimer: All information in this post is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice.
#1: Drinks lots of water, then drink some more.
Typically, I drink loads of water.
Remember my long run the day before I was symptomatic?
Looking back, I probably didn’t drink as much as I should have, which is one of the reasons I thought it was possibly a bladder lining issue.
As a long distance runner, this is not an unheard of issue, especially if you’re not hydrating properly.
Water serves to flush bacteria from your bladder.
Symptomatic or not, it’s a good idea to stay hydrated for bladder health.
My insulated cup o’choice:
#2: Drink 1-2 cups of unsweetened cranberry juice per day.
Cranberries have been studied for their role in preventing recurrent UTIs and it looks like there may be something to the PACs in cranberries, instead of the entire fruit.
CAVEAT: cranberry juice can interfere with some drugs. Consult your doc before proceeding.
What are cranberry PACs?
I had mixed results when drinking unsweetened cranberry juice.
The first time I tried it, I had relief from some lower abdominal pain in about 15 minutes.
I was stunned! And was sold, study results be damned!
The next time I tried it, I felt no relief.
I think had I known about cranberry goodness (it makes the bladder wall slippery, so bacteria can’t get a grip and multiply), I would have started it on day one.
As it was, I started it a week into the issue.
Make sure you get the unsweetened juice; that’s the powerhouse.
The taste is tart and not entirely pleasant, BUT you’re not drinking that much, so buck up, buttercup!
This is the brand I drink. Check your local grocery store for their brand as well.
#3: D-Mannose
D duh what?!
D-mannose is a simple sugar that is related to glucose.
The best part is that works as a slip and slide agent for the bad stuff, meaning it is thought to prevent bacteria from attaching to the bladder lining and multiplying.
No surprise – D-Mannose is found in cranberries (which also helps in keeping the bladder slippery to make it hard for bacteria to get a toehold)!
A study in 2016 on D-Mannose proved promising results for an acute UTI infection.
The purpose of the study was to determine if D-Mannose alone is effective in treating acute urinary tract infections and also to determine if it could help with management of recurrences.
What did the study reveal?
This study and those after proving that D-Mannose was a powerful tool against UTIs were the contributing factor for my daily use of D-Mannose.
I am entirely convinced that D-Mannose is a stinkin’ miracle, so I still take it daily, post infection.
This is the brand I use:
#4: Daily Probiotics
Man, I hate taking pills or supplements, but I will absolutely tell you that I have had success when I have taken a daily probiotic.
My introduction to probiotics started when I was going through chemo.
I developed an infection that required antibiotics and the help (antibiotic) was hurting my gut health (giving me the runs).
My doc suggested a probiotic and BAMMO! I actually started feeling better and my symptoms abated quickly.
I was sold.
Why consider a probiotic for a UTI?
You can do a quick Internet search and read studies that back the idea that when antibiotics are used, they can diminish the good stuff in your gut.
Probiotics help put the good stuff back where it belongs.
A trustworthy probiotic can keep your gut healthy and thereby (so goes the theory), help keep your immune system rolling along to help fight off the bacteria responsible for UTIs before it blooms into a full-on infection.
While I don’t take probiotics as a precautionary treatment, it appears lots of folks swear by it.
You do you, baby.
I buy this one (you can get it for less at Costco):
#5: Cranberry Supplements
I hate taking pills, so why not just drink cranberry juice?
Great question – I asked myself that prior to doing a bit of research and here’s what I found:
By taking a supplement, you get much the cranberry goodness – the cPACs – in an easy way.
This is especially helpful if you don’t tolerate unsweetened cranberry juice.
What’s a cPAC and why is it helpful?
I know I mentioned this above, but in case you’ve scrolled down without reading, here’s the info again:
PACs (proanthocyanidins) are a class of polyphenols (polyphenols have antioxidant capacity and have been shown to provide protection from some bacterial pathogens. Hello, UTI starter).
The PACs found in cranberries help prevent the adhesion of certain harmful bacteria, including E. coli ( stoopid E. coli).
Supplements can deliver a higher dose of cPACs, compared to juice.
As soon as I suspected my UTI, I was taking 2 cranberry supplements a day throughout the infection and for two weeks post – just for good measure.
This is the one I use (you can get it for less at Costco):
#6: Garlic Supplements
Most ever’one knows garlic will keep Dracula at bay (WHAT?!), but did ya know it’s also been studied for UTIs?
This study included softgel garlic supplements, along with a few other things.
“Conducted by researchers at the Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences in India, the study found that “even crude extracts of [garlic] showed good activity against multidrug resistant strains where antibiotic therapy had limited or no effect.”
Can we just stop here for a moment and reread that last statement?
There are some strains of bacteria that cause UTIs that may not respond AT ALL to antibiotics.
That’s scary as hell, y’all.
How to consume garlic for UTI.
You can go one of two ways: raw or supplement.
Raw garlic for UTI:
Using raw garlic for a UTI is simple: chop, dice, or crush several cloves of garlic, let it rest of 10 minutes, then consume.
Why 10 minutes?
There is a compound called allium that is produced when garlic is cut. This is the magic sauce.
Don’t rush the magic sauce. Let your garlic rest for 10 minutes.
Garlic supplements for UTI:
Garlic (Allium sativum < this is what you want in your supplement), a powerhouse o’goodness and is known for its antimicrobial properties, meaning it has the capacity to kill microorganisms or stop their growth.
Yes, please.
I took a one garlic supplement twice a day throughout my infection, and thought it wouldn’t hurt to continue the softgels afterwards, but, you know how I feel about pills.
This is the one I use:
#7: Cranberry Smoothie
This was one of the easiest things to incorporate into my weekly routine, mostly because it’s actually food.
I like food. I eat food. I think food can be good medicine.
Update Note: I have written a new post that includes a recipe for a delicious and POWERHOUSE of healing nutrition cranberry smoothie to supplement the, well, supplements of this post.
The smoothie is easy to make and since it uses frozen berries, you can keep it in your arsenal to fight UTIs all year long.
Click over (on the blue linked “cranberry smoothie” words above) to print out the recipe to have on hand – or – PIN that badboy so you never lose it!
End Update Note – keep reading! There’s so much more to learn!
Since cranberries aren’t always in season, you can keep a few bag of frozen cranberries in your freezer; ready at a moment’s notice.
If making a smoothie is too much work, or you have a crap blender, you can always put 1/2 cup of frozen berries in a bowl and eat frozen.
I do it with grapes and blueberries, so why not cranberries?
How do you make a cranberry smoothie?
- Place a bit of water or milk into a blender.
- Add a cup or more of frozen cranberries.
- Add a sweetener of choice (honey is a good choice – added antioxidants and a bit of extra nutrition).
- Blend to desired consistency.
OPTIONAL: Add a bit of cinnamon for an even bigger dollop of body-lovin’ goodness.
#8: Don’t resist the urge to urinate – don’t hold it!
I honestly don’t follow this maxim 100% of the time, for a couple of reasons.
I don’t believe – or more accurately – couldn’t find, any study that has proven the don’t hold it adage.
I’ve held it plenty, and I bet you have too. There’s a running joke between Garry and I: it almost takes a FIRE! to get me outta bed in the middle of the night (even if I have to peeeee!).
What I do think is behind this bit of UTI lore is that if you have an ongoing infection, and you’re drinking all the water, it would then make sense to pee when you felt the urge, thereby vacating bacteria with every trip to the bathroom.
Every pee means evicting more bad guys.
So satisfying.
Can you get a UTI by holding it?
I don’t think the science is there to prove that point.
What makes sense to me is that if you have an infection brewing, by holding it, you’re allowing more time for bacteria growth.
Or not.
What the hell do I know?
Is it comfortable to hold it?
Also, it’s not a game.
Get thee to a toilet.
Can you always get to the bathroom with every urge?
Not even close.
Think of long road trips.
You gotta go, but you’re on I35 in Austin and traffic is backed up for miles.
You’re probably gonna have to hold it for a while.
Or not.
It is Austin, after all.
Do what you think is best, but brings us to the number nine.
#9: Wipe from front to back.
Remember when we discussed that E. coli is responsible for the majority of UTIs?
Yer butt, more specifically – your anus – is like the neighborhood bar hangout for this UTI causing thug.
Start the wipe from your urethra (or “pee hole” as some call it) and sweep back, to and past your anus, then drop the tissue into the bowl (or look at it – LOOK AT IT! – to see if more wiping with clean tissue is necessary).
The tissue and E. coli get what they deserve – a quick trip to the sewer.
Other ways to get a healthy wipe are with wet wipes (toss in trash, never flush – yep, even the ones that say “flushable” – it’s all lies!) or a bidet.
Splashy fun!
#10: Practice good sex hygiene.
Who else giggled?!
Oh, behave!
Come on, let’s rip this bandage off.
This is for pre and post-menopause ages.
Why practice good sex hygiene?
Mostly because women are waaaay more susceptible to UTIs because our urethra is shorter than men’s, and therein lies the problem.
Now that is a powerful and enlightening statistic.
What is good sex hygiene?
It’s simple:
- Stay hydrated, yo. Always.
- Urinate before and after sex. (if you’re hydrated this one is easier than it sounds)
- Clean up (your genital and anus area) after sex.
As part of good sex hygiene, cranberry supplements might be useful.
Um, what?
After my first stubborn UTI, my gynecologist recommended taking a cranberry supplement with 8 ounces of water, right after intercourse.
She said she believed it worked proactively to prevent a UTI.
I practiced that routine for a while, but then….pills.
I just resist taking them (I’m such a child).
Doesn’t mean it won’t work for you, though.
UPDATED: September, 2019. Garry had a UTI and this is our personal experience with adding oregano oil to the mix of home remedies.
#11: Oil of Oregano
(source: AMAZON)
Garry used all of the above recommendations, but he added oil of oregano with amazing results.
Again – please note, this is all personal experience and you should consult your doctor prior to taking oil of oregano, because it is a powerful oil.
Oregano oil for UTI?
Yes, and yes.
Garry presented with a suspected UTI one evening as we were going to bed. The next morning he started a regimen of supplements (the ones above) and we added oil of oregano because of its widely known antibiotic-like properties.
Check out this study: Herbal Therapy Is Equivalent to Rifaximin for the Treatment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth
Oil of oregano as a home remedy for a UTI relief is a revelation!
In the one study done with people, they were administered 600mg oil of oregano daily for six weeks.
I have seen the safe dosage sited as 1-2 drops orally per day, or 500mg, times four times a day, then dropped to 500mg twice a day, totally 10 days before the oil is stopped.
Here’s an article to read, as you start your research as to what will be the best doasge for you.
Oil of oregano has lots of studies, just relatively none (or one^) using people.
The thing you will discover is that the oil has been used for centuries, and that lots of folks swear by its healing properties.
How do you take oil of oregano?
You can either take drops orally, or you can go with a supplement, in pill form.
I found taking orally a nightmare.
The taste was intolerable and incredibly hot (spicy).
A million times NO!
When I use oil of oregano, I do so in two ways:
#1: In supplement form.
So easy. So fuss and no trying to spit out that awful taste.
#2: Mixed in a 1:1 ratio of oil and a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil.
Don’t use on broken skin, and test for allergic reactions (place a bit on skin and see if you break out with a rash).
Other than for a UTI, I’ve used it successfully for ringworm (got a small spot on my leg from the dog)!
Update 2-28-2022: oregano oil UTI:
As I have progressed with my experimenting with oil of oregano for UTIs, I have found that for me, taking the supplement in pill-form was causing stomach upset, even when taken with food.
Now I simply rub the oil on my soles of me feet and let it absorb that way.
If you hate the idea of smelling like pizza all day (mmmm, pizza), you can simply apply to the soles of your feet, wait 10 minutes until it is absorbed into your system and then shower, or use an alcohol swipe.
So easy!
How much oregano oil for UTI?
It can vary depending on what your body tolerates.
I use the 1:1 ratio mentioned above (one part carrier oil to one part oregano oil) and use between 2-3 drops per foot two times a day.
Because all bodies are different, you will have to see what works for you.
Oil of oregano dosage Garry used:
Let me say this first: children, pregnant women or lactating women, should NOT take this powerful oil. Please check with your doc.
As adults, even we need to use caution.
You need a dosage of 500 mg, four times per day, to achieve the antimicrobial benefits.
Because Garry didn’t want to take an antibiotic, and wanted to see if the oil would work (we were extremely careful to monitor his symptoms throughout every day to make sure the infection wasn’t spreading to his kidneys), we decided to err on the side of caution and only did 500mg, four times a day, for three days, and then dropped to 500mg twice a day for seven more days.
At the end of day 10, he felt good enough to resume his weekly pickleball games.
It should be noted that oil of oregano can cause stomach upset.
Garry did experience this symptom.
He made sure he took with food and drank lots of water throughout the day.
Once he dropped to taking only twice a day, the stomach upset was no longer a problem.
A Final Note on my second UTI:
While I tried all of the above, after two weeks I still had lingering symptoms, so upon my doc’s advice I did a very short course of Bactrim.
While you might think that the home remedies failed, I have a different perspective.
Since that final infection, a month or so later, I had the familiar pains (remember, once you get a UTI, it’s easier to have more, and extremely easy to recognize symptoms).
I immediately (within minutes of feeling the twinge) started the D-Mannose and cranberry juice.
Within two days, I was back to my normal self.
All of this is to say, that for me, now that I know the symptoms, and I catch it early, I’m going the way of home remedies.
Of course, if I develop other issues, I will take an antibiotic, but will try like hell not to.
* Disclaimer: All information in this post is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice.
Did you know men can get UTIs too?
They can.
Wearing a condom can reduce the risk, as does practicing good sex hygiene (just like us gals).
Interestingly, my gynecologist also recommends that men also take a cranberry supplement with 8 ounces of water post-coitus (~snort~ I just channeled my inner Sheldon).
Are there home remedies for men with a UTI?
(please see my updated #11 above. Garry, a dude!, had a UTI and solved this issue with the supplements, plus oil of oregano.)
My cursory Internet research tells me that the remedies I tried can also be tried by men.
So much of what I read, led me to believe two things about UTIs in men:
#1: Men don’t suffer from UTIs as much as women, based on their anatomy.
Longer urethas mean it’s easier to flush out bacteria when urinating.
#2: When men do contract a UTI, they tend to be what’s called a “complicated” infection.
There is a need to be observant and prudent in treatment.
I’d be interested to know if any guys reading this have tried any of these home remedies and what they discovered.
What home remedies do I still practice?
Now that I no longer have a UTI, I want to stay that way.
I start every morning with 1 tbsp D-Mannose and a glass of water.
I start drinking 1 cup of cranberry juice, twice a day, at any sign of a twinge.
I hydrate like it’s my job.
Since the updating of this post in 2019, I have not had another UTI. I feel strongly that the home remedies work, especially when started early.
NOTE: Water needs change with the seasons and activity.
More activity = more hydration needed.
Warmer weather = more hydration needed.
Keep this in mind instead of adhering to a set amount of cups per day.
My goal is to flush out my bladder regularly.
BONUS: One More Way to Enjoy Cranberries.
If you’ve made it this far, you deserve a bonus!
I also make a cranberry puree using frozen cranberries to help combat UTIs.
Cranberry Puree is easy to make!
Not only is this cranberry dish easy to make it’s delicious AND adds a wallop of nutrition to help combat UTIs.
Smear it on toast, use it as a fruit dip, or simply eat it right out of the jar.
Cranberry Puree (printable card below)
- Place a bag of frozen cranberries and 1/2 cup of water into a saucepan and place over a low flame.
- As the cranberries thaw, you can use the back of a spoon to crush them.
- Reduce the mixture until you’ve crushed all the cranberries and the water is almost gone.
- Cool and blend on high in a blender.
- Add a sweeter and cinnamon to taste.
- Place is a jar and enjoy spread on toast, or as a fruit dip, or simply straight out of the jar!
Cranberry nutrition facts worth knowing (per 1 cup, chopped, fresh):
- Cranberries are a keto friendly fruit!
- Cranberries are packed full of fiber: 5.1 g
- Cranberries are low in carbs: 13.4 g
- Cranberries are good sources of Vitamin C (14.6 g), Potassium (93.5 g), and Maganese.
- Cranberries are low in calories: 51 per one cup, chopped.
- Cranberries also have Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
- They are nature’s powerhouse of antioxidants and nutritional goodness!
Before my UTI, I had no interest in adding cranberries to my diet; after my UTI, I try all kinds of ways to include them.
My bladder and urinary tract health thank me!
* Disclaimer: all information in this post is based on my personal experience and is not intended to take the place of your doctor’s advice.

Easy Cranberry Puree
An Easy Cranberry Puree
- 1 16-ounce bag frozen cranberries
- 1/2 cup water
- sweetener and cinnamon to taste
1: Place a bag of frozen cranberries and 1/2 cup of water into a saucepan and place over a low flame.
2: As the cranberries thaw, you can use the back of a spoon to crush them.
3: Reduce the mixture until you've crushed all the cranberries and the water is almost gone.
4: Cool and blend on high in a blender.
5: Add a sweeter and cinnamon to taste.
6: Place is a jar and enjoy spread on toast, or as a fruit dip, or simply straight out of the jar!
Will keep in fridge for a week or so.
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As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Nutrition Information:
Yield: 6 Serving Size: 1/2 cupAmount Per Serving: Calories: 35Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 2mgCarbohydrates: 9gFiber: 3gSugar: 3gProtein: 0g
Nutrition information isn’t always accurate.
What worked?
What didn’t?
Share in comments!
Original Post: July 3, 2019 Updated Post: May 3, 2022
If you found Home Remedies for UTIs helpful, you might also like these:
The Magic of Cranberry for Good Health
Perimenopause Can SUCK IT #3: Caffeine is a No-No
Sharon Clabaugh
Saturday 21st of December 2019
I take a cranberry capsule made by Andrew Lessman and I get it from hsn.com And yes, drink the water even when you don't want to.
THANK YOU for this article. I will refer back to it. Love to read your newsletter emails. You are so funny. Wish you were my neighbor!
Patti Tucker
Tuesday 24th of December 2019
Thank you, Sharon!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Monday 9th of September 2019
Glad you had success with the d-mannose and cranberry juice.Thanks so much for linking up at the UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 4.
Patti Tucker
Monday 9th of September 2019
I was so happy to find an alternative to antibiotics.
Cherryl Ehlenburg
Friday 6th of September 2019
Thank you for these suggestions! I have had a few UTI's in my time, and the last time I had a terrible reaction to the antibiotics. I did start taking a cranberry supplement, and I think it has helped. It's good to know there are other things to try, as well!
Patti Tucker
Friday 6th of September 2019
It's always good to have an alternative to try. Good luck!
Mother of 3
Tuesday 23rd of July 2019
I've never had a UTI but I was just talking with my girlfriend about the use of essential oils with UTI's. We've both heard they can work too. I can't tell you which ones as I'm not really up on my oils either but definitely something I guess I should keep in the back of my mind since apparently my risk increases with age (oh joy!).
Patti Tucker
Tuesday 23rd of July 2019
I know oregano oil is a powerful bacteria fighter (you'd have to research to see how EXACTLY to use it for a UTI), but I have heard of it.