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Show of hands: who uses fresh spinach in their smoothies? ~me!~ Who also finds it difficult to use the entire amount of fresh spinach you have in your fridge? Good intentions or not, I found I was wasting one of the most valuable additions to my smoothies because I couldn’t use it fast enough. You …

Read More about How To: Freezing Fresh Spinach to Use in Smoothies

It’s hot outside. It’s hot inside. It’s hot in the pool. It’s hot in ~your hot spot here~. What’s an ohsohot person to do?! Enjoy a smooth summer smoothie, that’s what! DON’T LEAVE!!! I know, I know – it’s green. Try and ignore that for a minute. I swear it’s refreshing and delicious. OMT! won’t …

Read More about How To Enjoy This Smooth Summer Smoothie