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I’m continuously on the hunt for recipes that are packed with nutrition AND yummy. Recipes we’ll come back to instead of saying, “Oh my gosh, what were we thinking?” One recipe I see ever’where is riced cauliflower. I see you wrinkling your nose. Heck, we wrinkled ours. Really? We’re gonna try this? Riced cauliflower instead …

Read More about How To Make a Delicious Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry

Little people, aka toddlers and ittie-bitties under five, are so hard to please, aren’t they? One minute they love something, the next minute they hate it. YES! NOOO! YEEES! NOOOOOO! It’s exhausting. Mac and cheese is a staple, for sure; one meal almost all of ’em love. This mac and cheese is Sweet E (a …

Read More about Your Little People Will Love This Mac and Cheese

Grandma drinks, yo. It’s a fact. Not in a drunken stupor kinda way, no sir. Grandma drinks responsibly (and talks about herself in third person, which if you wanna worry about something – worry about that) and loves cake. Mix the two together, well, Choochie is in! Side Note: follow my Instagram account: What Grandma …

Read More about Why Waste Time Drinking When You Can Eat Your Cocktails!