Anyone struggling with back pain? Anyone try yoga videos, only to be disappointed? ~raises hand~ MEMEMEMEMEME! My history of searching for relief: I’ve used lacrosse balls for relief (love me some lacrosse balls). I’ve used chair cushions for relief (I sit a large portion of the day). I’ve tried using a weirdo ball chair. …
Did y’all know that we homeschooled Boy, K-12 – back when homeschooling was quasi-illegal in Texas? REBELS! The understanding of the law surrounding homeschoolers was so precarious (we schooled during the years the deciding case was being argued before the Texas Supreme Court) that I carried the name and number of our lawyer everywhere we …
These drool-worthy oatmeal cookies are made exclusively with coconut palm sugar, which is touted as having a lower glycemic index than white sugar. Looky: Oh, momma! I figured if it has a better glycemic index, lower than white sugar (there’s controversy whether that is true or not), that’s a plus. It does have some nutrients …
Do you remember the post featuring the Souper Spoon? Sweet E LOVES eating with this guy – an OMT Best Buy! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ …
What Grandma Drinks (check out my IG) is a fun space for what I drink – alcoholic or otherwise! Have you heard the nutritional guidelines that state an adult should consume between 5 and 13 servings of fruits and veggies PER DAY? That’s right, my fellow rabbits – eat your veggies (and fruit)! Luckily, a …
Colored markers are my not-so-secret happy place. If the markers are Zig Memory System markers, well, get ready to hear OMT! squeal in delight. I’ve been using them for years and it never ONCE dawned on me to share the love, until now. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do …
Caramel apples are fun in theory, right? The Bad: There’s the weird angled biting, or more accurately – trying desperately to grab a bite. There’s the super glue melding together of teeth that can seriously pull out a crown. There’s the disappointment of the less-than-stellar apple. The Good: Caramel and apples are deliciously addictive, so …
Gaming has never been so fun, especially with new generations taking up where the last left off. Have your kiddos gone Super Mario crazy yet? Sweet E: Checkitty check check! It’s Super Mario this and Super Mario that. Choochie is listening, my adorable Master of the Controller! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral …
Three years ago, I wrote this first post extolling the taste explosion that is Christmas Crack. No, you won’t find this particular recipe anywhere other than here. Nor will you find such a delightful backstory to be told while you share this concoction with those you love. I came thisclose to not posting this recipe …
Show of hands – who loves to eat? Who loves to eat everything OMT! is cookin’? Just as I suspected – YOU do! If you love to eat sweets like OMT! (and who doesn’t) you gotta take care of your chompers and this powerhouse toothbrush does that and more. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses …