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Please a crowd with roasted potatoes?! Are you wondering if I’ve lost my ever-living? SPOILER ALERT: I haven’t. Roasted potatoes can be a most humdrum dish, right? Snoresville, baby. WAKE UP! Not these flavor bombs of OHMYGOSH-WHAT’S-IN-THESE?! They are a true crowd pleaser, throwing a FlAvOr FiEsTa for your mouth. Ingredients: 4 cups fat-diced potatoes, …

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Is life too hard? Is it comin’ at ya with windmill arms, beating you down with every flailing turn? We’ve all been there, baby. There’s gotta be a secret to this life thing, right? How do you make the hard easy when you have no flippin’ idea what you’re doing? Hang on – I’m going …

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I’m continuously on the hunt for recipes that are packed with nutrition AND yummy. Recipes we’ll come back to instead of saying, “Oh my gosh, what were we thinking?” One recipe I see ever’where is riced cauliflower. I see you wrinkling your nose. Heck, we wrinkled ours. Really? We’re gonna try this? Riced cauliflower instead …

Read More about How To Make a Delicious Riced Cauliflower Stir Fry