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When I think of hummus, the word conjures images of the Middle East and a healthy diet with all the mmmmm-mmmmming, you know, if you love hummus like I do. The Lebanese arm of my family insists that store-bought hummus is a less tasty version than homemade. Isn’t that the case with everything? Knowing that …

Read More about Homemade Hummus Makes The World A Better Place

You should know, this broccoli casserole is not haute cuisine. It’s comfort food. Funeral food. Get the kids to eat their veggies food. It’s pretty delicious, too. Back Story Of Guilty Pleasure Goodness: When my grandmother passed, I watched her neighbor, a literal little old lady, walk up to the house with a covered dish …

Read More about A Broccoli Casserole Every One Can Love

A few years back I wrote a post on how to make roasted almond butter and knew it was time to share again. If you have never attempted homemade nut butters, get ready to see how insanely easy they are to make. Homemade. All-natural. Easy. But – how did it taste? Garry, tasting almond butter …

Read More about Insanely Easy How To: Homemade Roasted Almond Butter

We are fortunate to enjoy avocados year-round in Texas. If they aren’t in the house, they’re on the grocery list to buy. Of course we love guacamole and are constantly whipping up a batch, but this avocado dressing is a little different and as versatile as well. Time to up your avocado game, my babies! …

Read More about Love Spicy and Fresh? Jalapeno Avocado Dressing to the Rescue!

Frosted brownies that dreams are made of?! Am I exaggerating? Not a chance. Time for your close-up, dreamy brownie: Fun Fact: When OMT! needs a quick dessert to take to ailing friends or to an unexpected party, these are the badboys I bring. Yep, some days require a little one-on-one time with some quality chocolate …

Read More about The Frosted Brownies That Dreams Are Made Of

Did you know that most people imagine the act of drowning involves vigorous splashing and thrashing? You know – the Hollywood version of drowning with lots of dramatic screaming and struggling. FACT: It rarely happens that way. This post, one I offer once a year, serves to educate or refresh all of us on what …

Read More about Do You Know The Facts About Drowning?