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If you’re new here, this is a reminder that we’re working through Read This If You Want To Take Great Photographs (< NOT sponsored) with our DSLRs. I’m happy you’re here to join the fun! Today we’re going to explore composition. If you’re wondering why we aren’t going right to the DSLR controls, it’s because …

Read More about Photography For Beginners: Composition and The Rule of Thirds

I’m writing this late on a Friday afternoon, while drinking a cold beer in celebration (NOT DRUNK!) and thinking of the week ahead and the milestone I’ll pass. I’m overwhelmed in emotion, sitting here, pounding out the words that foretell of my very near future, trying like hell not to cry, again. What has me …

Read More about When It’s Time To Say Goodbye

Quick, name 5 things you’re grateful for right now… Did you hesitate? Or were you able to knock out five solid things? I hesitated when I first saw the question, but it wasn’t because I didn’t have five easy go-to items to impress you with my speed (like that could ever happen.~snort~), it was because …

Read More about 5 Things I’m Grateful For Right Now