Oh, my babies. If you love an ice cold beer, if you love IPAs, if you long for the craft, and if you also delight in a deeply nuanced bourbon, you should add a Kentucky Bourbon Ale beer to your list. You have a beer to-try list right? RIGHT?! Boy introduced me to Kentucky Bourbon …
I’m writing this late on a Friday afternoon, while drinking a cold beer in celebration (NOT DRUNK!) and thinking of the week ahead and the milestone I’ll pass. I’m overwhelmed in emotion, sitting here, pounding out the words that foretell of my very near future, trying like hell not to cry, again. What has me …
Poor Dexter had a boo on his leg that he wouldn’t stop licking, so we had to resort to the Cone O’Shame. Booo! Could he be any sadder?! (Not to worry, we plied him with treats throughout the ordeal.) ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the …
Mmmm, beer-infused slow-cooked pork shoulder. Yum-Yum-Yum. I could just leave that picture here and we’d all be happy, right? WRONG! I know you wanty the recipe. The easy-easy-easy slow cooker recipe. Let’s get to it. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this …
Quick, name 5 things you’re grateful for right now… Did you hesitate? Or were you able to knock out five solid things? I hesitated when I first saw the question, but it wasn’t because I didn’t have five easy go-to items to impress you with my speed (like that could ever happen.~snort~), it was because …
It’s no secret I’m in love with Green Toy products. Luckily, so is Sweet E! Here’s my non-sponsored review. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ We love the …
Who remembers orange Creamsicles and ice cold root beer floats from childhood? ALL OF US! Right? Since Sweet E was recently here, I had a few Creamsicles in my freezer. After he left, those delicious treats gave me an idea for a grown-up drink: When I was coming up, Creamsicles were a rarity in our …
I’ll need a show of hands: have you ever lost your phone? Your keys? ~so many hands, mine included~ I was on a friend’s site and her mom gave her one of these as a gift, cause, well, she losses stuff…like us. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your …
I love enchiladas. I love a good red sauce. Even better, I love to make an easy red sauce to pour on my homemade enchiladas. This recipe will leave you asking, “Why am I buying generic enchilada sauce, when I can make THIS!” I grew up in a diverse neighborhood, in the sense of typical …
What?! There are folks out there setting goals for their adult children? Um, apparently. I’m as shocked as you. Are we living on a compound? Are we jungle people (that kinda seems unfair to those who reside in the jungle)? Are we so fixated on the lives of our children and not our own that …