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Who just had this reaction after reading that title: ~gag~?! Come on now, you should know better than that.  OMT isn’t gonna gross you out. As a site owner/blogger/occasional iffy vlogger, I do lots of rooting around the Internets looking for the very best for you.  While this site is mainly focused on grandparents and …

Read More about After Birth, Not Afterbirth

Not a grandmama….yet! I am still having a difficult time imagining myself as a grandmother.  Just this week I’ve cussed, threatened to kick some figurative ass, eaten candy, danced a little in the streets when I was running, and yelled, “HEY, BABY!” to a neighbor.  I don’t know any grannies like me.  Do you? WHO …

Read More about 11 Things I Loved About Mothering

Yesterday, I heard a discussion on numbers and how they define us.  Particularly, numbers pertaining to women’s age and weight.  The crux of the conversation was this: Women HATE to tell folks how old they are or what they weigh, because if the numbers don’t jive with what society deems acceptable, women feel diminished. The …

Read More about You Are More Than A Number

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