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Oh, mah babies. THIS. This cobbler came out of my oven smelling of sweet summer fruit and light cakey droolgoodness. I had to remind myself not to take a bite until it had cooled enough so it wouldn’t remove the skin from the roof of my mouth. THE TORTURE! As a good Southern gal, I …

Read More about Homemade Fruit Cobbler That Will Make You Slap…Wait…Don’t Slap Anyone

OMT loves her coffee almost as much as she enjoys talking about herself in third person. SO MUCH! Today, I’m gonna share one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to enjoy a customized coffee blend without feeling like it’s a luxury you should give up. In the past, as a coffee lover, I have …

Read More about How To Inexpensively and Easily Customize Your Coffee Blend

As summer rolls on, I offer this post from last year, because HOLY SMOKES it’s #1: easy and #2: delish and #3: worth a summer rerun! If you’re looking to beat the summer heat in the kitchen, take your cooking out to the grill and make a big ol’ pan of grilled taters and onions. …

Read More about Summer Cookin’ is Easy Cookin’: Grilled Potatoes and Onions