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Our yard, our beautiful lawn, gives us hours of enjoyment every year. Usually, I do a few things to keep everything growing and humming along, and the weeds to a minimum, but this year we have a weed bonanza that I simply can’t keep ahead of by manually pulling the aggravating interlopers. So what’s a …

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Summer is thisclose once again!  With summer break comes lots of time spent in the water, so this is a perfect time to revisit the facts of drowning and secondary drowning. Once you’ve read this post (which is an updated post of the one I did last year), come back to the above link on …

Read More about PSA of the Day: Drowning and Secondary Drowning Facts

Pound Cake Cupcakes? YesYesYes. Pound. Cake. Cupcakes. Yo. Maybe you have seen my Pound Cake Perfection post. The cupcakes are basically from that recipe, with an added glaze…an added lemon glaze. ~faint~ Y’all.  Y’all.  Y’ALL!!!  Even Garry agreed: cupcake perfection. I love pound cake.  I swear I could eat an entire loaf all by myself.  …

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We love us some easy meal-makin’ in this house, especially when it concerns lasagna, how about you?  Yet, lots of folks hesitate to make it because it is time-consuming with the cooking of the noodles and the making of the sauce. What if I told you that this is the fastest lasagna you’ll ever make?  …

Read More about Fastest Lasagna You’ll Ever Make with No-Cook Noodles

Life, if you’re paying attention, is heart-stoppingly beautiful, yet infuriatingly confounding, is open wide and forgiving, yet full of the cruelest of cruels, is laughable, yet able to make you cry the hardest you’ve ever known anyone to cry.  We either embrace the juxtaposition of thrills and chills by making it our best, as best …

Read More about My Biggest Accomplishment

Summer is my favorite time to make BBQ chicken on the pit, but it’s not always summer, dang it.  As you know, I’ve offered a BBQ Chicken version we do in our oven, so now we can enjoy this mac and cheese recipe all year round, even in the cold chill of winter. HALLELURIAH! When …

Read More about BBQ Chicken Mac and Cheese = Ultimate Comfort Food

THIS: CAVEAT UNO: The following post will contain unladylike words, as The German would say.  This will serve as your only warning.  On the upside, perhaps a new drinking game is afoot with every “Bitch!” I utter. Perimenopause (#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) is a bitch (drink!).  …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #12: Is This The New Me?