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Confession Time: I’ve wanted a generously large goose down comforter for years, but have failed to fulfill that wonderfully fluffy dream because I’m scared of duvet covers.  Yep, scared.  They are totally bewildering to me.  I’ve looked at them with no understanding. Yes,  I see you’re a cover that protects my goose downy investment.  Yes, …

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Roasted French green beans sounds so, so, French, oui? I love a roasted veggie, no doubt, but have found the veggies I’m not particularly fond of (like steamed green beans) are delicious when roasted.  I’ll actually go back for seconds. Recently, on a trip to Boy’s, he made roasted asparagus, which I love any way …

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OMT! loves yardwork.  No really, I’m not joshing.  I love to get my hands dirty and wack at things, plant things, build things and use chipping hammers to dig out things (like an old concrete foundation). (what follows is not a very attractive OMT!, but a happy one!) Hell, yeah! I own a giant wagon …

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