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Pound Cake Cupcakes? YesYesYes. Pound. Cake. Cupcakes. Yo. Maybe you have seen my Pound Cake Perfection post. The cupcakes are basically from that recipe, with an added glaze…an added lemon glaze. ~faint~ Y’all.  Y’all.  Y’ALL!!!  Even Garry agreed: cupcake perfection. I love pound cake.  I swear I could eat an entire loaf all by myself.  …

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This subject is hard.  Who wants to admit to being needy?  To being broken?  No one, that’s who.  Yet, we are.  Each and every one of us. Sweet E, my lovely little man, how I love you and your brokenness, your neediness.  Don’t be afraid.  Don’t fear what is uncomfortable to face. When I was …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: We are all Broken and Needy

If you haven’t visited my facebook site in a couple of days, you might not know, but I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. No specifics yet, as we’re only four days out from diagnosis. There is some anxiety about the unknown, but mostly a driven determination that we’ll emerge on the other side, survivors. The …

Read More about Four Days In: What I’ve Learned About Breast Cancer

Those of you who joined this site in the beginning days will recall that I had my worries about being a Grandmama, Nana, Nonnie, Mimi…Choochie!  Just over two years have passed since those pre-Sweet E butterflies and, baby, I’m all in. You can read about all that I’ve learned HERE, HERE and HERE. I’ve taken …

Read More about What I’ve Learned: Two Years Later

We love us some easy meal-makin’ in this house, especially when it concerns lasagna, how about you?  Yet, lots of folks hesitate to make it because it is time-consuming with the cooking of the noodles and the making of the sauce. What if I told you that this is the fastest lasagna you’ll ever make?  …

Read More about Fastest Lasagna You’ll Ever Make with No-Cook Noodles