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Life, if you’re paying attention, is heart-stoppingly beautiful, yet infuriatingly confounding, is open wide and forgiving, yet full of the cruelest of cruels, is laughable, yet able to make you cry the hardest you’ve ever known anyone to cry.  We either embrace the juxtaposition of thrills and chills by making it our best, as best …

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Summer is my favorite time to make BBQ chicken on the pit, but it’s not always summer, dang it.  As you know, I’ve offered a BBQ Chicken version we do in our oven, so now we can enjoy this mac and cheese recipe all year round, even in the cold chill of winter. HALLELURIAH! When …

Read More about BBQ Chicken Mac and Cheese = Ultimate Comfort Food

Who doesn’t love a new cookie find that not only lives up to your expectations, but exceeds it?  WHO?! People of the Internet, I hereby declare these Chocolate Bomb Buttermilk Cookies, almost the very best cookies I’ve ever had.  I dare say they are the best chocolate cookie I’ve ever made. [Tweet “These are genuine …

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Dear Sweet E, you’re still such a small whippersnapper that I have no idea if you’ve inherited my proclivity for plain talk.  This post will serve you well, if you have. “You’re one of the most honest people I know.” That statement, made by others about me, to me, is a familiar refrain.  The first …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: Honesty Comes With a Cost

Remember my first attempt to make tortillas?  Mmmm, homemade tortillas. So good. Well, you gotta fill them with something, right?  R-I-G-H-T! How about this deliciousness? I make this meat and potato filling a few times a month and we use it in everything from stacked tortillas to scrambled eggs.  It’s addicting! This was my plate.  …

Read More about Got Tortillas? Fill ‘Em With This.

THIS: CAVEAT UNO: The following post will contain unladylike words, as The German would say.  This will serve as your only warning.  On the upside, perhaps a new drinking game is afoot with every “Bitch!” I utter. Perimenopause (#s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) is a bitch (drink!).  …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #12: Is This The New Me?

As I write, my phone may or may not be turning itself off all by itself. This weekend it refused to alert me to anything incoming, even though it was clearly in the mode for alerting me for everything.  It’s a smartphone, yet over two years old, at the end of its natural life, which …

Read More about Protecting What You Gots

Calling all grannies, grampies, mommas and daddies! My friend Amy over at Pregnant Chicken (well, she doesn’t really know we’re friends, but I’m hoping if she met me she’d wanna join the party) did an amazing review of a clek fllo carseat (yes, that’s all spelled correctly) and I wanted to share what I learned. …

Read More about clek THIS!