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When you get to be my age you’ve had your share of failures, losses and tragedies. Some of them may leave scars that never fully close.  Some of them are brought back to you by a seemingly innocuous reminder, years after you thought you had firmly dealt with the pain.  Some of them embarrass, torment, …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: You Are NOT Your Failures, Losses or Tragedies

Who else shivered at the thought of dirty germy kitchen sponges being used to wipe down cabinets or countertops? ~ugh~ Facts are facts, Jack.  Most kitchen sponges harbor harmful pathogens that have the potential to make us sick with potentially life-threatening food poisoning. ~double ugh~ That’s why I wanted to share this simple household tip …

Read More about Are your Kitchen Sponges Trying to Kill You?

Yes, yes, yes!  Jalapeno poppers are everywhere during grill season.  This site is no different: POPPERS FOR EVERYONE! My twist?  Adding Fresno Chili peppers, cause you know, ain’t nobody ever done thought of that before.  ~snort~ First of all, you might wanna pop over HERE and order one of the handy dandy jalapeno corers that …

Read More about Jalapeno and Fresno Chili Poppers Tutorial

Summertime is livin’, ain’t it?  Wait.  I’ve already said that in my grilled corn on the cob post! Repeating myself or not, it’s still true.  We’ve covered how to grill corn; today we cover grill potatoes and onions. Start with a disposable roasting pan.  Since these potatoes are great as leftovers, feel free to fill …

Read More about Easiest Grilled Potatoes and Onions You’ll Ever Make

I’ve written about drowning before and how the actual process of drowning doesn’t look like you might think it would (if you missed that important post, you can read it HERE).  Today, let’s take a look at secondary drowning. If you’re like most of the world, when it gets hot, you want to cool off …

Read More about Required Summer Reading: Secondary Drowning