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How ’bout a twirly whirl around the World Wide Web, today? I thought it would be fun to share some of the Internety thangs I love…like babies surfing the web! More Love: * Kit, over at is one of my all-time favorite DIY experts.  There’s not much she won’t tackle and she offers easy-to-follow …

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Enjoying good health is like winning life’s lottery.  Keeping it is altogether different. As many of you know, Mrs. Tucker is a lifelong runner (who obviously enjoys referring to herself in third-person).  On June 29th, I participated in a run billed as: This is an old fashioned road race on a helluva tough course that …

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See!  You’re not going crazy.  Perimenopause, or peri, is the culprit behind all your odd symptoms and we’re gonna discuss her dirty-dealing shenanigans today. Peri, it’s not us…IT’S YOU!   So many of you came and shared your stories or just stopped for a show of support. I love that about you.  We stick together …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #2: You’re Not Crazy

I love to eat cake.  Doesn’t matter what kind, just GIMME cake! I love to bake cakes.  So much cake. One summer was particularly scary in our household.  In order to offset the plaguing what-ifs, I announced to Husband that we would now be enjoying The Summer of Cake. We had a new cake every …

Read More about Hideous Candy Bar Cake of Shame, Circa 2010