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Have you ever thought about your unintentional imprint on this world?  You know, the pieces of you that make an impression on others when you’re not even thinking about it? Life is surprising and twisty; you never know what’s just around the next bend. It’s the element of surprise that’s my favorite part.  Unintentional imprints …

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Grace for the day; grace for the way, baby.  Having a saving grace, saves.  Burdened with sin; blessed with grace. grace noun \ˈgrās\ 1. a :  unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b :  a virtue coming from God     c :  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace 2. …

Read More about What I Will Tell Sweet E: Grace Endures

My new fav book for Sweet E is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, not to be confused with: chicka-chicka-bow-wow! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ It’s a children’s classic …

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CAVEAT: Some material within may not be safe for work, as it contains frank talk about lady’s Southern regions. Yep, perimenopause can still suck it.  She’s hanging around, trying my last nerve some days, but today we’re gonna beat her back with Kegels. You either just groaned, giggled or rolled your eyes.  My kinda readers! …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #7: The Kegel Edition

Oh, mah babies.  What have I done? I’ll tell you what I’ve done…I’ve bought my very first fancy-pants DSLR. DSLR: digital single-lens reflex camera.  Not: “digital satellite laser radio” as a non-camera-geek friend guessed. I see you thinking, “A DSLR…big deal…those have been around for years.”  Yes, yes they have. But, OMT is old-school, baby.  …

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