Tul Pens Review Tul Pens? Tul Pens! As a writer (and not-so-closeted office supply hoarder. Proof: I covet this ridiculously oversized calendar.), I’m always on the hunt for the perfect pen. I think I have discovered them, in Tul. Never heard of Tul Pens? In a nutshell, a Tul pen is a brand of pen, …
Cuisinart Smart Stick Hand Blender Man, oh man, was I ever in need of a stick blender for a cheesecake pie. This one: I went old school before purchasing my hand blender and used my regular Vitamix blender. It worked like a dream, but clean-up is messier than the Cuisinart immersion hand blender. After the …
Cake Filling! Man, we love cake, don’t we? Once you have cake, you gotta start thinking about fillings. What Do You Put Between Layers Of Cake? Anything you want to! But, I know you came here for actual suggestions and ideas, so let’s get to it! Cake Fillings: I’m gonna run down by flavors, so …
Volcano Microwave Cleaner Need a quick way to clean your microwave? Wanna make it fun, too? While I’m not a fan of cleaning, I am a fan of fun and this microwave cleaner is fun! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you. It’s much appreciated!~ Cleaning A Microwave …
Hands Down The Best Cake Filling You’ll Ever Eat I’m telling y’all (again!): this is hands down the best cake filling you’ll ever eat! I’m gonna need you to calm yerself before you gaze upon it’s creamy light deliciousness. Ready? GO! Don’t you want to just grab a spoon and hide in a closet until …
Barefoot Bubbly Review! Ohmygosh, yes, please! If it’s time to celebrate, then it’s time for a Barefoot Bubbly review. What are you celebrating? Nothing? PISH-POSH! I subscribe to the tenet that one doesn’t need much of an excuse to celebrate. Exhibit A to celebrating: Found my keys in under five minutes? Didn’t trip on my run? …
These are the lemon bars you’re gonna wanna make! If this old fashioned lemon squares recipe is good enough for Miss Paula Deen, it is good enough for all! Trust, my babies. OMT will never ever lead you astray: this is the best lemon bar recipe I have to offer. If you’re in a hurry, …
Spicy Mac and Cheese Need more spice in your life? Don’t we all! Let’s talk about my spicy mac and cheese recipe. Oh, momma! First the Spicy Mac and Cheese recipe, with a printable version at end of post, then the jibber jabber. Spicy Mac and Cheese Ingredients: 3 cups uncooked small elbow macaroni pasta …
DIY Photo Light Box Let’s gooo! New fancy-pants camera. Check. New fancy-pants lens. Check. New fancy-pants portable photography light box. NEVAH! OK, maybe not never ever, but certainly not right now. Why buy one when you can build one for under $20 (at the writing of this post)? Especially, since I can whiz-bang that thing …
Old Fashioned Banana Bread With Sour Cream Yes, please! Everything you need to know about how to create the best sour cream banana bread recipe is comin’ at ya! Bananas and sour cream may seem like an odd combination, but when they are mixed together, they make the most moist sour cream bread you’ll ever eat. …