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I love children’s books, hardcovers to be precise.  If the books are old and broken-in on top of that, well, then I’m in love-love and I might want to marry them. So many of the books that I read to Boy are still in our possession, waiting for Sweet E to discover. Two of my …

Read More about Old Books; Old Friends

Wanna start with the good stuff? Yes! The star of the post. The accidentally delicious oven-baked fried chicken! Oh, momma… Look at that crispy loveliness! Let me ask you this, though: What do you do when you think you have an item in your pantry, a key item, only to find out after you’ve prepared …

Read More about Accidentally Delicious Oven-Baked Fried Chicken

What’s a nicer gift to give a new parent than peace of mind when their baby is sick?  That’s exactly whet you get with the Exergen Temporal Artery Thermometer: the gift of quick and accurate information. I originally wrote about this product back in 2013 and can’t tell you how many thermometers I have given …

Read More about My Favorite Baby Gift to Share

While I have offered my Patti-ized version of breast cancer advice, this post is a pure resource page for those who have no idea where to get start gathering solid info about cancer. Some links are specific to breast cancer and others cover the wider topic of cancer. I pray you never need this list, …

Read More about Begin Here: Cancer Resource Websites and Links