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Dear Sweet E, my very first post to you was What I Will Tell Sweet E: Dig Yourself. Today’s post about overcoming rejection ties into the notion of digging yourself by knowing who you are and what you want from this life. Rejection stings, my sweet boy; you’ll never get used to it when it …

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Brace yourself.  Braced?  Good. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ Yep.  It’s that time again, my babies.  Time to start our careful planning of what to stuff in …

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The holidays are upon us and that may mean you’ll be entertaining family, maybe family with babies. What a great time for an infant CPR and choking primer! Y’all know I love a PSA.  Check it HERE, HERE and HERE. Years ago, I worked in a hospital and we had to take CPR classes regularly.  …

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~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you. ~ One of the best things about being a grandmama is cruising the kid’s section at the book store (physical or virtual).  Oh, how I’ve missed reading/buying/sharing silly fun books.  The high-pitched voices and acting out of scenes is a glorious …

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Way back in the spring, Easter-time to be specific, I made a ham with an improvised pineapple honey glaze that turned out to be a show-stopper. You don’t have to wait for Easter, though. Make it for Christmas! For New Years! For Jimmy’s birthday! For any ol’ time you decide you neeeeeed a glaze that’s …

Read More about You Can Stop Looking Now: The Pineapple Honey Glaze You’ve Been Looking For