OMT has been baking with buttermilk again, y’all. It’s so Southern, don’t you think? When I first found this recipe, I immediately printed it out. Then, I promptly forgot about it. I blame my peri-brain fog. When I ran across it again, I made a note of the ingredients, ran to the store for buttermilk, …
Cake! Cake! Cake! I think by now we get it…CAKE! Gratuitous pic of CAKE: I love all things cake and know you do too. I love when I come across something new about cake, yet there are so few things that are new about cake. So, I was startled to come across a video that …
O. M. GOOD GRACIOUS! LET ME AT ‘EM! Y’all know I love me some unexpected brownies, right? Today’s brownies are…I mean…these brownies…oh my. I’m gonna give you the pic first, then we’ll work backwards from there. Ready? Let me ‘splain…. It was Girl’s birthday and we were here and they were there and, well, it …
Cake? Yes, please. Is there ever any doubt? Never, even if it’s hideous (yet delicious). There are days I jones for a three layer monstrosity and there are days I’m happy with a sheet of cake that needs nothing more than whipped cream or a drizzle of caramel (you read that right). This day I …
It’s gonna be a long hot summer, y’all. What better way to one-up the heat than surprising the family (or just you…however you wanna play this deliciousness) with homemade cookies? Better yet, with some no bake Chocolate Yummies. Take that oven set to 350°! I’ve been making these as long as I’ve been baking (be …
Remember the Perfect Oatmeal Cookies and the recipe I posted for them some time back? No? You missed that post?! ~faint~ (hello, email sign-up) Here’s the LINK for the recipe and a visual refresher: Mmmm, look at those oatmeal cookie badboys. So delicious. Yes, they are perfect just the way they are, but…. …I went …
The German gave me her cookie press when I got married and it’s on its last leg. That wonderful workhorse has lasted through at least 40 Christmases. It’s a vintage aluminum tube with a screw-on top. You crank the handle and it pushes the dough through the tube to get the desired length and form …
Attention All Brownie Lovers: Get your brownie lurv here! I think we all know how I feel about brownies and all things brownie. To refresh your memories, check it HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE. Dadgum, that’s a lot of brownie lurv! I was feeling all Valentiney and wondering what might be a fun way …
Perfect this – perfect that… Oh, OMT!, have you actually found the recipe for perfect oatmeal cookies?! YESH! Wish there was a smell button on this thang. Right before I started to write this post, I made a dash for the freezer, where I had stashed a batch of Perfect Oatmeal Cookies the weekend before. …
Dozens upon dozens of cookies were baked over the holidays, but have you ever considered the science, or the chemistry, of the cookies you baked? Probably not. We be focused on the baking…not the science! How about a post-Christmas baking marathon TED-Ed video? Someone get the lights… The Chemistry of Cookies Whoa. That was a …