Notes Notes Notes! I gots ’em and I bet you do to. Writers write, y’all. As a writer, when inspiration hits me, I grab any scrap piece of paper I can find on my desk, then place it on top of an ever-growing stack o’inspiration. Yep, it’s a hot mess. Any of this sounding familiar? …
Dream Bars are everything you dream about in a bar: balanced sweetness with a flaky crust and a filling that makes you immediately realize these will be your new addiction! I have been making these Dream Bars since I was a kid. The recipe was handed down to me from The German; I have no …
Ball jars that are not used for Ball/Mason jar purposes (storage) makes me itchy. Ball jars were meant for canning, storing food, maybe nuts and bolts for Dad, but the prevailing theme is storage. They are not dishes! So, how to not put a salad in a Ball jar? Don’t. Do. It. Grab ya a …
I love a good hack, kitchen or life, it doesn’t matter. ♫ Hit me with your best hack…fire awaaaaaay! ♫ Apologies to Pat Benatar. Love ya! The original hack involved a boxed cake mix and added ingredients not included in the box instructions. A hack that I’m pretty sure I miswrote on a sticky note …
I’m a sucker for a great hack – especially – if it involves CAKE! My desk is filled with scraps of paper with hastily written hacking notes, and as I was cleaning off said desk, I found a blue stick-it note that simple had this written on it: Whole milk = H2O 1-2 more eggs …
The holidays are FILLED with eating, especially sweet treats. Gingerbread Men, pumpkin rolls, and the never-ending parade of cinnamon rolls (mmmm, cinnamon rolls). At this tine of year, it’s completely understandable that you may want to curb your itty-bittie’s intake of all thangs sugary. Enter the candy-free Advent Calendar, by LEGO. WHAT WHAT?! Is this …
As a gal who runs a biznezz, doncha know, I’m obsessed with who it is I am and what is is I do. Lots of folks understand that obsession completely. Tell me you’re as obsessive as I am. TELL ME! For me, it’s my literal business to be deeply aware of what I do, …
OMT! is a recipe tinkerer. I tinker – then, post results, pics and recipe. I tell ya who liked it and who didn’t! After all my tinkering shenanigans, you get to decide if it’s a NAILED IT! or FAILED IT! Today’s NAILED IT (for me) is a twist on the Rice Krispie Treat. BACKSTORY: Sweet …
Are you a peanut butter lover, yet cringe at the fat content? Lots of folks face the same peanut-enjoying dramaz. ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ Until… Organic …
Do your carrots have a drinking problem? Sauced, are they? Mine do and are. HANG ON! Don’t leave me yet! These delicious Drunk Carrots have been a staple on our Thanksgiving table since the very first time I tasted their delicious drunk orangy goodness and fell into a Hallelujah stupor. With four main ingredients, this …