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Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake Imma ’bout to give you the BEST recipe for Texas Sheet Cake. Y’all know OMT! loves her cake. Y’all! Since I had a hankerin’ (Texas-to-the-rest-of-y’all translation: a powerful neeeed) for something cakey, I went looking for a recipe and found this oldie but YUMMY: Texas Chocolate Sheet Cake. I know Texans …

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Tul Pens Review Tul Pens? Tul Pens! As a writer (and not-so-closeted office supply hoarder. Proof: I covet this ridiculously oversized calendar.), I’m always on the hunt for the perfect pen. I think I have discovered them, in Tul. Never heard of Tul Pens? In a nutshell, a Tul pen is a brand of pen, …

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Volcano Microwave Cleaner Need a quick way to clean your microwave? Wanna make it fun, too? While I’m not a fan of cleaning, I am a fan of fun and this microwave cleaner is fun! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links at no cost to you. It’s much appreciated!~ Cleaning A Microwave …

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