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Drunk Carrots have been a staple on our Thanksgiving table since the very first time I tasted their delicious drunk orangy goodness and fell into a Hallelujah stupor. The simple recipe includes carrots, butter, brown sugar and whiskey, with the alcohol burning away, leaving behind a rich earthy depth to an otherwise ordinary side dish. …

Read More about What’s Thanksgiving Without a Drunk (Carrot)?!

Oh, my babies. If you love an ice cold beer, if you love IPAs, if you long for the craft, and if you also delight in a deeply nuanced bourbon, you should add a Kentucky Bourbon Ale beer to your list. You have a beer to-try list right? RIGHT?! Boy introduced me to Kentucky Bourbon …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: Beer + Whiskey Barrels = An Unexpected Delight

Who remembers orange Creamsicles and ice cold root beer floats from childhood? ALL OF US! Right? Since Sweet E was recently here, I had a few Creamsicles in my freezer.  After he left, those delicious treats gave me an idea for a grown-up drink: When I was coming up, Creamsicles were a rarity in our …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: Bliss-Inspired Tipsy Floats

After I had endured chemo and surgery, I kept hearing this: You’re done with treatment! Yay! To which I responded, “Negatory, Ghost Rider.” Man, I hate bursting people’s bubbles. “Done with treatment” is nowhere near where I’m at, mah babies, but I’m glad some think I’m so amazingly healthy-lookin’/actin’/feelin’/trash-talkin’ that they would assume the best! …

Read More about You’re Done With Breast Cancer Treatment! Yay! (Negatory, Ghost Rider) Wait. What?!