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I swear I don’t know how this happened, but apparently I’ve become the drop-off for boxes of booze when my neighbors move away. It all started with our beloved elderly neighbors. Hey, we have some alcohol left in the cabinet. Why don’t you take it. So, I did. You know, as my last neighborly gesture. …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: The Neighborhood Edition

Taking dem cutesy baby pics of your kiddos and grandkiddos can be a frustrating experience, no?  YES! While this may be one of my shortest posts to date, it will be one that helps you learn some mad baby-taking photo skilz, yo. (Yes, I am aware I am the biggest doof when I write this …

Read More about Um, Yeah…That’s What We Did (not even close)

You may have received a diagnosis for breast cancer, or maybe you know someone who has received a diagnosis. What does that mean, exactly? Are there any similar threads that run through a breast cancer diagnosis? Some, but each breast cancer is unique to the person, as is each specific treatment protocol. Breast cancer is …

Read More about What Does A Breast Cancer Diagnosis Mean?

Sweet sweet E, that child does nothing but elicit smiles, squeally voices and happy dances from me. Ah, grandkiddos! About every six months I find myself updating what I’ve learned from that whippersnapper.  About every six months I ask myself, too soon?  Maybe I should just do a yearly update…BUT I CAN’T!  Having an itty-bitty …

Read More about What I’ve Learned: Two and a Half Years Later

As I write this it has been approximately three weeks since my initial diagnosis.  What could I have possibly learned in three weeks time?  More than I ever wanted to, that’s what. Ready? Set. GO! What I’ve Learned About Breast Cancer Three Weeks In * Every breast cancer is different. * Every treatment is different. …

Read More about What I’ve Learned About Breast Cancer #2

This subject is hard.  Who wants to admit to being needy?  To being broken?  No one, that’s who.  Yet, we are.  Each and every one of us. Sweet E, my lovely little man, how I love you and your brokenness, your neediness.  Don’t be afraid.  Don’t fear what is uncomfortable to face. When I was …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: We are all Broken and Needy

If you haven’t visited my facebook site in a couple of days, you might not know, but I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. No specifics yet, as we’re only four days out from diagnosis. There is some anxiety about the unknown, but mostly a driven determination that we’ll emerge on the other side, survivors. The …

Read More about Four Days In: What I’ve Learned About Breast Cancer