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We love a great cake in our house.  Hell, let’s be completely honest, we simply love c-a-k-e in this house, sometimes the crazier, the better. But, we’re madly, deeply, crazily in love with this chocolate cake.  Yep, I’m willing to put this baby up against any other chocolate cake you’ve fallen in love with.  It’s …

Read More about Best, Yes, BEST, Chocolate Cake You’ll Ever Eat

Once a year I write about the signs of drowning and secondary drowning (who knew that was a thing?!) because A) Most people think drowning looks like the Hollywood version of struggling about in the water and B) the post serves to educate  or refresh all of us as we enter into the summer season …

Read More about Summer PSA: Drowning and Secondary Drowning. Do You Know The Facts?

Y’all know my affinity for children’s books, right? So many books, so little time! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ Go HERE, HERE, HERE and even HERE and …

Read More about If You Had $100 To Spend For Children’s Books

Perimenopause is a wild ride, as we have seen HERE  and HERE and, aw hell, just know it’s W-I-L-D! We’ve got mood swings, weight gain, muscle loss, joint pain, insomnia, sexual adjustments (oh my!)…GAA!…it just keeps on comin’, no matter how many times we tell ourselves the worst is almost over. One of the lesser …

Read More about Perimenopause Can SUCK IT #14: Scratch That Itch