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Those of you who joined this site in the beginning days will recall that I had my worries about being a Grandmama, Nana, Nonnie, Mimi…Choochie!  Just over two years have passed since those pre-Sweet E butterflies and, baby, I’m all in. You can read about all that I’ve learned HERE, HERE and HERE. I’ve taken …

Read More about What I’ve Learned: Two Years Later

Dear Sweet E, you’re still such a small whippersnapper that I have no idea if you’ve inherited my proclivity for plain talk.  This post will serve you well, if you have. “You’re one of the most honest people I know.” That statement, made by others about me, to me, is a familiar refrain.  The first …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: Honesty Comes With a Cost

As I write, my phone may or may not be turning itself off all by itself. This weekend it refused to alert me to anything incoming, even though it was clearly in the mode for alerting me for everything.  It’s a smartphone, yet over two years old, at the end of its natural life, which …

Read More about Protecting What You Gots

Dear Sweet E, my very first post to you was What I Will Tell Sweet E: Dig Yourself. Today’s post about overcoming rejection ties into the notion of digging yourself by knowing who you are and what you want from this life. Rejection stings, my sweet boy; you’ll never get used to it when it …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: How to Overcome Rejection

19 months ago our lives changed when Sweet E entered the world on a stormy February day.  Fat Tuesday lived up to the celebration that year and it’s been a lesson in grandparenty love ever since. I’ve kept tabs on what I’ve learned HERE, HERE, and HERE, but each new day is a surprisingly delightful …

Read More about What I’ve Learned: 19 Months Later

When you get to be my age you’ve had your share of failures, losses and tragedies. Some of them may leave scars that never fully close.  Some of them are brought back to you by a seemingly innocuous reminder, years after you thought you had firmly dealt with the pain.  Some of them embarrass, torment, …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: You Are NOT Your Failures, Losses or Tragedies