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Grandparents are fascinating and surprising, statistically speaking. Ready to get your stats on? Let’s do it! * Becoming a grandparent is happening at a younger age.  43% became grandparents in their fifties, 37% in their forties.  The average age is 48. * 10% of all grandparents have a tattoo.  Of what, they didn’t say. * …

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Dozens upon dozens of cookies were baked over the holidays, but have you ever considered the science, or the chemistry, of the cookies you baked?  Probably not.  We be focused on the baking…not the science! How about a post-Christmas baking marathon TED-Ed video? Someone get the lights… The Chemistry of Cookies Whoa. That was a …

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The Perimenopause Can Suck It series is one of the most popular on this site.  I’d like to believe it’s because we’re all either on the crazy train or about to board.  Either way, you can gain useful information within these posts to use when the the doors slam shut and there’s no getting off …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #6: A Waning Libido

I know you’re busy, but there’s still shopping to do, so let’s get to it! ~ A gentle reminder: OMT! uses Amazon referral links. When you do your shopping through the Amazon links on this page, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!~ FAMILY FUN: Who doesn’t love a good …

Read More about Last Minute Shopping Fun!

The last time we talked about water, I left you with this advice: DRINK UP!  Did you?  Let’s expand that theme. What do you consider before deciding what to drink during the course of the day?  Is it tasty?  Is it convenient?  Is it hot or cold?  Is it carbonated?  Is it fashionable?  Is it …

Read More about Water Benefits: (H)201

What?  You don’t dream of salad?  Yeah, me neither….~snort~….but, this salad is like a dream because #1) It’s simple, #2) It’s delicious and Bonus #3) If you’re a newbie in the kitchen or an experienced cook, bringing this dish to any occasion will add to your kitchen cred. WATCH OUT!  OMT! is getting her street …

Read More about Self-Dressing Salad of Your Dreams

How many “Don’t Do This, You Crazy Grandmother” articles have I read in the last 9-months?  Too damned many.  That’s right, makes me a little twitchy being told by strangers to stay inside my grandma lines when all we newbs need is a little understanding. Some of us are plainly hyper-exuberant and completely gaga over …

Read More about Top 10 Yeses of Grandparenthood