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Each year, as Thanksgiving sneaks up on us, I take time to reflect on my blessings.  If you’ll indulge me, I’ll do it here this year. ~ My deep gratitude that I was born an American.  My family is not descended from the original Americans, but we got here as fast as we could.  As …

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When I was a kid, neighborhood moms mixed pitcher after pitcher of sweet fruity-flavored Kool-Aid for thirsty growing bodies.  As they handed out the paper Dixie cups of our generation’s drink, I was the kid asking for a cup of water instead.  The request would be met with surprise, and some good-natured cajoling to try …

Read More about Water Benefits 101

This is the fourth and final installation of the Running For Your Life series. The title of this series, Running For Your Life, was intentional.   It encompassed being a runner.  When you start running, and continue running, it changes your life in a deeper and wider way than you expect.   Here are a few …

Read More about Training, Injuries and Beyond: Part Four

Cakes, cheesecake, cookies, pies, bars…you name it, I bake it! So much yurm! With Christmas lurking, it’s time to start thinking about introducing something new along with your something traditional. In our house, Russian Teacakes are a longtime fav. Yet…they aren’t my favorite. I like ’em, I’ll eat ’em, but they’re a little ho-hum, which …

Read More about Russian Teacakes Done Right