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If you don’t like coffee, you may as well click out now, or stick around and let this post be your gateway drug. Dang, that sounded a little skeevy and dealer-esque.  You know, like, “Hey little girl/boy.  Want some coffee?” But, seriously.  Want some coffee?  Or at least a line on something new to add …

Read More about Texas Pecan Coffee + Coupon = One More Reason To Drink

The Run For Your Life series continues! Catch up here: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Running injury?  Let’s talk about how to cope when an injury either curtails your running schedule or completely interrupts your ability to run. I am currently suffering through a training-ending injury.  The ligament that runs along my …

Read More about Run For Your Life: Coping With Injuries

To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.  ~ Aristotle Guess he told us. We all know that constructive criticism can empower, just as destructive criticism can crush.  I’m speaking to the second of these. When you’re entrenched in what you’re creating, or trying like hell to create, inevitably critics will come along and …

Read More about Listen To Your Critics

I cook lots. For the sake of this post, I’m speaking to volume as opposed to frequency, which I also do; I cook L-O-T-S. When I was a kid, The German wouldn’t let anyone in her kitchen, although I can’t complain because she mostly made German fare and who would want to mess up that …

Read More about Easy Mac for a Crowd, or Dinner for Two at My House