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Peach cobbler made with fresh peaches = peeling peaches.  If you have never tried to peel a fresh peach let me paint you a picture: It’s a bit like trying to peel off 20-year-old wallpaper without the help of a steamer; it’s slow going in frustrating bits and pieces. Ain’t nobody got time for that. …

Read More about How To Peel Peaches Like a Peach Peelin’ Pro

I can’t believe that we’re already up to nine posts on the subject of how Perimenopause Can Suck It. This series started innocently enough with Post #1 and here we are, eight more later.  Just so you know, it’s not over yet.  I still have a few more informative (horrifying?!) posts to bring you up …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #9: The Dreaded Brain Fog

Last summer, I wrote about The Easiest Face Cleansing Method…Ever and I wanted to come back after a year’s time to let you know if I gave it up or if I’m still a convert. Still a convert, my babies.  Even more so if that’s possible. This is a staple in the shower (to be …

Read More about The Easiest Inexpensive Face Cleansing Method: One Year Later

Bruschetta is a family fav during the summer tomato season.  Done as a meal, it’s easy, light and satisfying.  Can I get an AMEN and a HALLELURIAH! If you’re a long time reader, you know I have trouble following recipe directions exactly as written and like to add a twist to suit our tastes.  Bruschetta …

Read More about Tomato and Mozzarella Bruschetta with a Twist

Back in 2013, I wrote You Are More Than A Number. Cliff Notes: what the hell are we doing letting a number define us, instruct our behavior or allowing us to diminish or expand our feelings of self-worth? WHAT. THE. HELL. Yep, 2014.  I just looked. The funny thing is that almost a year later …

Read More about Why are Women Still Hating Based on a Number?

Oh, perimenopause, you are a cruel mistress.  How do you sucketh? Let me count the ways: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7.  Dang, that’s a whole lotta suck. Most women know that perimenopause can start in their 30s (THE HORROR!) and continue on until their 50s (THE HORRIBLE HORRORS!).  What you may not know …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #8: Negating the Negative

O. M. GOOD GRACIOUS!  LET ME AT ‘EM! Y’all know I love me some unexpected brownies, right?  Today’s brownies are…I mean…these brownies…oh my. I’m gonna give you the pic first, then we’ll work backwards from there.  Ready? Let me ‘splain…. It was Girl’s birthday and we were here and they were there and, well, it …

Read More about Caramel-Filled Triple Chocolate Brownies With Toasted Pecans