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I cook lots. For the sake of this post, I’m speaking to volume as opposed to frequency, which I also do; I cook L-O-T-S. When I was a kid, The German wouldn’t let anyone in her kitchen, although I can’t complain because she mostly made German fare and who would want to mess up that …

Read More about Easy Mac for a Crowd, or Dinner for Two at My House

We’ve all been unexpectedly hurt by someone in our family.  Well, most of us have.  Whether it’s an auntie or a sibling or even a parent, there will most likely come a time when someone in your family, someone you trust and love, maybe adore, will cause you such an unfathomable pain that you’ll question …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: Sometimes You Pick Your Family

Grandparents are fascinating and surprising, statistically speaking. Ready to get your stats on? Let’s do it! * Becoming a grandparent is happening at a younger age.  43% became grandparents in their fifties, 37% in their forties.  The average age is 48. * 10% of all grandparents have a tattoo.  Of what, they didn’t say. * …

Read More about Grandparents as Statistics

The What Grandma Drinks series is about to get serious.  We’re talking pipe-wrench serious. Y’all sit down and pay attention.  Grandmama wants to tell you a story entitled: Why All Gals Need Tools. I dabble in the DIY pond.  Husband is happy to share his tools with me (so many “that’s what she said” jokes), …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: DIY Edition

I’m always on the hunt for a delicious breakfast idea. Vanilla Pudding Cinnamon Rolls are in the top 10.  Banana Bread Pancakes would hit the spot.  Pumpkin-Streusel Cinnamon Buns are always yummy, but I’m pumpkined out.  I think it’s time for something new.  Something different.  Something easy. I think I found a contender. Hello luva: …

Read More about Scones, Cinnamon Roll Style

Dozens upon dozens of cookies were baked over the holidays, but have you ever considered the science, or the chemistry, of the cookies you baked?  Probably not.  We be focused on the baking…not the science! How about a post-Christmas baking marathon TED-Ed video? Someone get the lights… The Chemistry of Cookies Whoa. That was a …

Read More about The Chemistry of Cookies

Husband’s birthday rolled around and I asked him what kind of cake he’d like me to make.  His usual pick is a Manhattan Cheesecake.  This time around, he gave me nothing. ~crickets~ Seriously, if anyone ever asks me what kind of cake I’d like them to bake, you can believe I will THINK OF SOMETHING! …

Read More about What Have I Done?! (with confession)

The Perimenopause Can Suck It series is one of the most popular on this site.  I’d like to believe it’s because we’re all either on the crazy train or about to board.  Either way, you can gain useful information within these posts to use when the the doors slam shut and there’s no getting off …

Read More about Perimenopause Can Suck It #6: A Waning Libido