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Scottish Shortbread In the realm of all thangs cookie-like, Scottish shortbread is my fav. I could eat shortbread, in any form, every day. Nom. Nom. Nom. Scottish Cookies Isn’t it beautiful? Almost (heh-heh *almost*) too beautiful to eat. While Garry prefers traditional Scottish cookies, I also enjoy this Dark Chocolate Shortbread, which I think makes …

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Eggless Chocolate Chip Cookies Is this real life? There’s a cookie recipe that is packed full of chocolate AND is edible straight from the bowl?! Yes! Some days you need a heapin’ help of chocolate: STAT! Chocolate Bomb Cookies were built for those kind of days. They’re actually my favorite cookie (and, at the moment, …

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Apricot Oatmeal Cookies Have you been looking for the elusive perfect oatmeal cookies? Look no farther! I have the perfect oatmeal cookies made with dried apricots, THE RECIPE, you’ve been searching for – and I’m gonna share it with you! Witness why I can’t get enough of fresh from the oven, warm oatmeal cookies, specifically: …

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These drool-worthy oatmeal cookies are made exclusively with coconut palm sugar, which is touted as having a lower glycemic index than white sugar. Looky: Oh, momma! I figured if it has a better glycemic index, lower than white sugar (there’s controversy whether that is true or not), that’s a plus. It does have some nutrients …

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Halloween is a tradition-filled holiday and I want to share one of ours: Filled Chocolate Cookies. Oh, momma! The dark chocolate cookies covers the spooky appeal of the day, and the POW! of the orange-filling speaks of jack-o-lanterns. Plus, they’re delicious, so there’s that. Of course, these aren’t just for Halloween. You can fill them …

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Are you like me and already thinking about what kind of cookies you’re going to bake for Christmas? YOU ARE?! This is why we’re friends! While I like to shake up my cookie rotation every year, there are a few traditional classics that get made no matter what. Russian Teacakes are one of those classics. …

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Who doesn’t love a new cookie find that not only lives up to your expectations, but exceeds it?  WHO?! People of the Internet, I hereby declare these Chocolate Bomb Buttermilk Cookies, almost the very best cookies I’ve ever had.  I dare say they are the best chocolate cookie I’ve ever made. [Tweet “These are genuine …

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I love me some shortbread…you?  Wait.  Why am I even asking?  Pretty much everyone loves them some shortbread. Y-U-M! Couple this shortbread with a steaming cup of Good For You Hot Chocolate and the angels may join you in singing HALLELURIAH! Don’t they look divine? While I was expecting a sturdier shortbread, because when I …

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