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My heart thrilled a little when I wrote that headline.  A good wine fridge is a delight to own. One of my absolute favorite Christmas gifts of late has been my stand alone wine cooler.  My first wine fridge was a Danby.  Loved it until the compressor went out.  I researched having it repaired and …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: Wine Fridge Edition

Grace for the day; grace for the way, baby.  Having a saving grace, saves.  Burdened with sin; blessed with grace. grace noun \ˈgrās\ 1. a :  unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification b :  a virtue coming from God     c :  a state of sanctification enjoyed through divine grace 2. …

Read More about What I Will Tell Sweet E: Grace Endures

We’ve all been unexpectedly hurt by someone in our family.  Well, most of us have.  Whether it’s an auntie or a sibling or even a parent, there will most likely come a time when someone in your family, someone you trust and love, maybe adore, will cause you such an unfathomable pain that you’ll question …

Read More about What I’ll Tell Sweet E: Sometimes You Pick Your Family

The What Grandma Drinks series is about to get serious.  We’re talking pipe-wrench serious. Y’all sit down and pay attention.  Grandmama wants to tell you a story entitled: Why All Gals Need Tools. I dabble in the DIY pond.  Husband is happy to share his tools with me (so many “that’s what she said” jokes), …

Read More about What Grandma Drinks: DIY Edition

Husband’s birthday rolled around and I asked him what kind of cake he’d like me to make.  His usual pick is a Manhattan Cheesecake.  This time around, he gave me nothing. ~crickets~ Seriously, if anyone ever asks me what kind of cake I’d like them to bake, you can believe I will THINK OF SOMETHING! …

Read More about What Have I Done?! (with confession)