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Right at this very moment I know you could use a pick-me-up (yes, even, especially, if it’s 7am) and this post certainly won’t help.  BUT, you can poke them down your piehole lickety-split with this super easy recipe. I give you: Brownie Chunk Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Oh my… Confession #1: I used a …

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A year ago-ish, my Blackberry started to fizzle.  I loved that phone, yet was no longer in contract at Sprint and thought I’d look around to see what I could find out about saving me some dough. The following videos chronicle my journey (the final video was filmed 5/6/13): Sprint vs Boost Mobile: Part One …

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What happens when I’m bored and want to bake, all in one moment?  I rummage through the pantry.  I rummage through the fridge.  I ask myself, “Mrs. Tucker, what’s so weird that you’ve got to make it?”  (head’s up: some days grannies get so excited they revert to third-person) Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip BACON Cookies.  …

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I am saddened and angry about the bombings at the Boston Marathon, as most of you are, and I hesitated to post this joyful entry, but the runners I know keep on runnin’ when life gets tough.  So, I’m taking a page from the runner’s manual and I’ll keep on runnin’.  I hope you do …

Read More about Fightin’ Texas Mud Run, Grand Mudder-Style

File this under: Things My DIL Has Taught Me. My DIL has taught me lots of fun things, one of which is that there is someone who can match Boy’s inner/outer geek. Nice! Lately, with Sweet E’s arrival, Girl is teaching me about cloth diapers (not the cloth diapers from our generation…not even close), specialty …

Read More about Coconut Oil: Not Just For Cooking