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What Grandma Drinks usually highlights an adult beverage or two, but this post is different; this post is about my morning joe. I’d like to say three things before this post gets underway: #1) I’m certified. #2) I’m happy to share most of my embarrassing foibles in hopes of a laugh.  We need more laughs. …

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I love this series, don’t you? Grandma Drinks! Yeah, she does. Calling all slushes discerning imbibers…HELLO! Fine.  Pretend not to lurk in the liquor aisle while I discuss this amazing find. ~Deep Eddy Sweet Tea Vodka~ Every Southern heart just swooned. Take a minute.  Breathe.  Reread if necessary. Ready?  OK, let’s break it down: It’s …

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Dear Sweet E, what’s an inner voice and where can you find yours?  Mrs. Tucker is here to help, baby. For all my years, I’ve had a strong inner-voice.  Long before it became conventional wisdom to listen to that voice, I instinctively knew that I should pay attention as something important, something I couldn’t yet …

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Fear can paralyze strength. Fear can belittle wisdom. Fear can create chaos. Fear can manipulate truth. Fear can amplify insecurities. Fear can mute goodness. Fear can blacken day. Fear can expand deceit. Fear can wither boldness. Fear can crush action. Fear is slippery and insidious and able to enter our spirit like a virus, exponentially …

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Dearest Sweetest E, You’re gonna need friends as you stiff-arm your way through life; pick them well and they’ll be the lifeblood of your strength. Good friends make you believe you aren’t alone in the expanse of this world.  Good friends are there even when physically absent, hell even in death.  Good friends tell you …

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I wrote this post on vulnerability in the winter, a couple of days after Sweet E had been born and I offer it now in my “What I Will Tell Sweet E” series.  (spattering of NSFW language) Vulnerability The “v” word is a tough one for me.  I was brought up to be a lady …

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Be grateful, my baby.  Seems easy enough. We all know folks who look at their life with dissatisfaction. I’m not talking about the kind of emotion that is healthy and propels us onward to bigger and better things in our life, I’m talking about the kind of dissatisfaction that weighs on a person and makes …

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